How do I make animated rpg movement

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From the Asset Store
A template for a grid movement , grid tactics type game like Dofus , click on the grid you want to move to and the
  • I wanted to share my method for accomplishing 4 way rpg top down style movement in which each direction has its own animation (no rotation). The problem I was running into was while default controls for 8 direction movement were enabled it would cause the animations to get out of sync with the movement when more than one direction key was pressed, which does not scream quality to me.

    For this to work "Default Controls" must be set to "No" on the sprites 8Direction properties.

    Here is the capx file, simply use the arrow keys to move the sprite.

    Here are the events:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Thanks for this. very much needed.

  • Your welcome, glad I could help!

  • You could drastically simplify your capx , I can say there's too much repetition out there ...

  • I tried to simplify it, I really did, but it seems without the redundancy in place I was experiencing bothersom bugs. This I suppose is a full checks and balance system. I am sure there is a more simplistic way but I could not get one to work for what I needed.

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  • You could drastically simplify your capx , I can say there's too much repetition out there ...

    Is there? This is more concise that my methodology for the exact same situation by about 5 events!

    If there's a way to simplify this "drastically" I'd love to see it!

    Great work Alexixiv <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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