I had the same question!!
I am creating an Isometric game where the Level scrolls downwards, I create tiles at the top of the screen and destroy them when the exit the screen below. is
I have written all my game logic in a single Layout - Platform and background(environment) Scrolling , Collision detection, Enemy logic and other standard game events.
Now my question is, when the player reaches the End I want to load a new set of Tiles and Environment image (eg: from Desert -> Snow -> Jungle). What is the most efficient way to do this?
I read that C2 loads required images/objects only when the Layout is loaded. So how to I group my Tile images?
Can I create a common Platform Sprite and have each Level images grouped under various Animations?
Will C2 still load all the level images into Memory even if I am not calling the animation?
Or Do I have to create separate Sprite objects for each Level?
Could you point me to a Thread/Tutorial that explain this in detail? The Search option is throwing too many things at me and nothing seems relevant.