any progress on javascript error on win8
getelementbytagname or folder runtime line 722 spriter plugin.js
I'll add something in there to make it fail the loading more gracefully, but that tag should always be present, and the plugin needs it to display any graphics. If possible, please send your zipped project folder to
I've had spriter for a while, but I'm actually trying to put it too use now in my latest game :). A few things:
1. When I drag/drop the SCML file into Construct 2, it's big. I wrap selection and resize, but it's the same size in game as it was originally. Is there a way to resize it in Spriter?
2. When my graphics designer created all the animations as separate projects. Is there a way ti put all the animation together in one project after the fact?
3. When I import into Construct 2, I still get all the pieces stacked on top of each other, latest spriter (b4) and latest C2. I tried save as new version in spriter as well.
1. That will work in the next version of the plugin. Working on documentation at the moment, so it could be a few days.
2. Not yet, but that will exist by 1.0
3. That's odd, if you can send me the zipped project folder I can troubleshoot it for you