"YOPP" A call to Ouya and interested developers

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Medeival & Viking War Horns Sounds / 22 Unique Calls / 2:40 minutes of audio
  • I started thread on the Ouya developer forums asking to see if they could assist in getting support for CocoonJS.


    To back up my words that there is a community centered around HTML5 game engines and wanting to be on the Ouya. I am asking for anyone who is and interested in developing Ouya Games or Apps. I'm not asking for anyone who is currently working on a game, but would like too. Keeping in mind that the more vocal the community the better the opportunity to be heard.

    So please let a YOPP and say that you are interested. I'm hoping that after a day I can freely post this with a reasonably descent number of people on this forum have commented and provide a link back here :)

    PS. Please not that this is not about performance. :)

  • I am interested, and definitely want to see CocoonJs support on Ouya.

  • I'd very much like to be able to develop for Ouya with C2, so I guess count me in.

    But you never explain what you mean with "YOPP"... >.>

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  • I am interested as well, my OUYA will get here next month and I would like to be able to create games on this little console!

  • Count me in... however because the future of Construct 2 and Ouya is so damned iffy, I've just about convinced myself to go the route of Construct Classic and make a Direct X9 game for Windows instead. That'd be "good enough" as the .exe exporter for Construct 2, from what I've read, is unpredictable enough to NOT be reliable for commercial release.

    Plus, Construct Classic is free and open source? Maybe the route to go about all of this is to somehow dig into the guts of Construct Classic and make IT support Ouya somehow, seeing as it has nothing to do with HTML5 whatsoever.

    Very open to discussion on that subject, it requires knowledge I don't have.

  • I am not even sure what CocoonJS is, but hey, I am all for getting games to more people!

    Where do I sign?!

  • For now to "sign" up just express your interest in using C2 on the Ouya and spread the word to any other HTML5 game engine forums you might hang out. Then link it back to the one started on the Ouya forum site. I'm trying to raise awareness to Boxer8(the Ouya company) that there is a community to have packed games on the machine.

    As for "YOPP" is an older reference to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horton_Hears_a_Who! . By the end of the story the little people who lived on a spec of dust was heard by a small voice who said "YOPP"

  • Count me in... however because the future of Construct 2 and Ouya is so damned iffy, I've just about convinced myself to go the route of Construct Classic and make a Direct X9 game for Windows instead. That'd be "good enough" as the .exe exporter for Construct 2, from what I've read, is unpredictable enough to NOT be reliable for commercial release.

    Plus, Construct Classic is free and open source? Maybe the route to go about all of this is to somehow dig into the guts of Construct Classic and make IT support Ouya somehow, seeing as it has nothing to do with HTML5 whatsoever.

    Very open to discussion on that subject, it requires knowledge I don't have.

    I figure I'll take a little more time to answer your question. I didn't want get into a performance discussion here, but I like to talk about the subjects that interest me and this one for me is a hot topic. So I will answer it :)

    First let's just accept that right now HTML5 is not up to par for mobile performance compared to native. let's end that right here. This however does not exclude the ability to make beutiful and deep game experience than just simple puzzles. In fact some old classic games can be readily done on common Android devices now with HTML5.

    Classic SNES games: youtube.com/watch

    Many SNES games on the list are very deep, but no where graphically complex. I know it sounds disheartening to be compared to an older console, but there is a brighter side. These games had less performance for the most part than what we can currently get on the mobile. All we have to do is take advantage of the technology and treat it differently than the PC. We can't brute force are development based on PC design standards... sadly :(


    I love this game. But remove background for now. remove the OpenGL effects(ok DX) and the game really is very small on the object count. not only that the game will zoom in at smaller rooms cutting out larger environments and allow for minute details. Brilliant really. I could see C2 on Tegra 3 pulling off such a game. Then just add a simpler parralax background with less object count.

    Right now with smart game design we can still make deep, fun, addictive, bueatiful(if you have the artist) games for the Ouya. We just have to be clever about what limited resources we have.

    As for CC, it will be far more work to convert DX to OpenGL. However it is an option. C++ can be bound to Android JNI port in about a week providing you have the source. I've never played with CC ever.

    In the mean time maybe we can look into creating a few graphical tricks :) One blazing performance trick in 3D is billboarding a 3d model. this often deals with rendering a 3d model to a 2d sprite. Then display the 2d sprite. Only re-render the 3d model again when there is a required change. This can boost performance massively. back when I used to hang around jMonkey someone did a test and went from 120fps to 1000+fps. Without requiring to render the animation every frame it left a lot of time to do other work.

    Well we are working in 2d, but we can still take advantage of the same trick. We can group objects to a canvas and only update the canvas on a 30 fps or less scale. This can let us keep logic performance closer to 60fps, but keep animation smooth at 30fps and increase performance. This performance increase occurs from the benefit of not having to blit every object every frame. I haven't implement this as of yet, and likely won't for my current game; as it is for me to far in developement. However I can see my next game experimenting with this.

    Also keep in mind all my testing is on a low end Tegra 2 where as the Ouya is running the top end Tegra 3. It is likely closer to 10 times the performance. Keeping this in mind. My simple ball test I posted in the "sad thruth thread" I managed 86 balls at 40fps in the Android stock browser finding that letterbox scale integer did something interesting. With the Tegra 3 we shuold be clear to make some really good games. Still no special effects, but good gorgues games none the less :)

  • Good stuff to think on. Youtube is blocked at work, but I'll check it the videos when I get home. Few points:

    1. "SNES-Era" games represent the high-end of what I'd like to do nowadays, at least using Construct 2. We have a good artist, she's currently learning the way of the pixel art however, so for our first outing I'm thinking something more along the lines of the Colecovision for our first title. Ever play Montezuma's Revenge? It also came out on Commodore 64 (another desired look). Although of course, I'm open to a more diverse color palette.


    2. Didn't realize the link between android and Open GL, though I knew that Direct X was a Microsoft convention. As I read your thoughts on the subject, my mind drifted toward an (old?) article I saw last year... please peruse! extremetech.com/gaming/133824-valve-opengl-is-faster-than-directx-even-on-windows

    There are a few Direct X -> OpenGL wrappers out there already, the most famous being "WINE" perhaps, but as far as I know, that's for Apple Computers only. Again, we're coming to a wall of what I do know compared to what I've heard/read, but the main reason nobody does OpenGL on Windows is because, well, DX is there... and has been since Windows 95. "They don't know any better".

  • I am interested, and definitely want to see CocoonJs support on Ouya.


  • I am looking forward to be able to release my coming game for Ouya with C2, already supported Ouya on there Kickstarter.

  • Good stuff to think on. Youtube is blocked at work, but I'll check it the videos when I get home. Few points:

    1. "SNES-Era" games represent the high-end of what I'd like to do nowadays, at least using Construct 2. We have a good artist, she's currently learning the way of the pixel art however, so for our first outing I'm thinking something more along the lines of the Colecovision for our first title. Ever play Montezuma's Revenge? It also came out on Commodore 64 (another desired look). Although of course, I'm open to a more diverse color palette.


    2. Didn't realize the link between android and Open GL, though I knew that Direct X was a Microsoft convention. As I read your thoughts on the subject, my mind drifted toward an (old?) article I saw last year... please peruse! extremetech.com/gaming/133824-valve-opengl-is-faster-than-directx-even-on-windows

    There are a few Direct X -> OpenGL wrappers out there already, the most famous being "WINE" perhaps, but as far as I know, that's for Apple Computers only. Again, we're coming to a wall of what I do know compared to what I've heard/read, but the main reason nobody does OpenGL on Windows is because, well, DX is there... and has been since Windows 95. "They don't know any better".

    At this time I'm also aiming at the SNES era limitation design.

    Yikes, I haven't played on a Coleco in... many many years.

    yes I agree. People just use DX because it's there and it's what people use. Vicious circle really :) To me IOS and Android will be breaking that circle in the next 2 decades.

    Thanks everyone. Please keep the positive interests coming. I can only hope that others are doing the same at other game engine communities :) Also i know there are a few others who show interest who haven't commented yet :) more the merrier :)

  • So I have a response from boxer8. They posted a reply asking which wrapper/engines they should look into to contact. I hope it leads to something :)

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  • jayderyu - I hope it leads somewhere. Thank you for looking into that, and thanks to boxer8 for trying to improve our community.

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