OK. This is not to become a c2 bashing thread (mods please lock it if it does).
Yesterday I posted some performance stats in another thread, but they were misleading because I had used an inefficient sequence of events in the c2 part of the test (the test was a version of bunnymark). I felt that my results were unfair to c2 because of this misuse of events. Additionally, the test did not focus on the GPU or CPU, which meant that you didn't know which one was limiting and causing a drop in fps (CPU number crunching or GPU fillrate). The other thread was locked so I'm posting my results here instead.
Tested on laptop (i5, 16Gb, SSD, intel HD4000) and phone (nexus 5x: built using phonegap build webview for c2). c2 laptop export was tested on NWjs (v22) and Chrome (v58). I tested each with and without sprite rendering enabled - the no-render results are probably a good indication of the relative amount of data that each engine can compute, given the limited test parameters, and the yes-render results probably indicate where my GPU became stressed. As I said - these are just a taste of performance and not an absolute benchmark. Edit: I took 55 fps as the cut-off for the tests.
Engine..............Render Images?..................No of bunnies
C2 NWjs.....................Y...........................6000
C2 Chrome................Y...........................7500
C2 phonegap............Y..........................................................1300
Godot Engine...........Y............................3000........................800
Unity.........................Y.............................9300......................2500, 4700, 5200 **
Cocos Creator.........Y............................13000**$$.................3000
** Gracefully degrades the fps from 60 to 30 to 20 (no jank)
$$ Exported to .exe and also html5 in Google Chrome...
All of the above tests are available here; you'll have to enable/disable drawing to make your GPU/CPU comparisons.
What stood out for me? Well, c2 did very well but Cocos Creator won by far. Looks like JavaScript is the language to go for...