Ashley Yeah it looks a bit better now. I got 740 bunnies 30fps on the same phone, with the old C2 test i got 300 30fps. Although I could wish for a bit more as Pixi's bunnymark was close at 8000 bunnies 30fps. Although my phone is quite weak. 2 year old midrange phone. (Nokia Lumia 830)
Would be curious to see if there's any difference in C3 vs C2.
C2 bunnymark - Updated. 740 bunnies 30fps
C2 bunnyparticles - 2000 bunnies 30fps
Pixi Bunnymark - 8000 bunnies 30fps (I know pixi is cheating a bit by rendering at windowsize/2) If you look closely it's pixellated. not 1:1 pixel density.
Setting the render scale in runtime for lower/midrange phones would be nice, and maybe some other tweaks, so we don't have to design the game for low and phones, and scale up, for powerful phones. Some mobile specific tweaks would be nice. Maybe a windowsize/2 option would be good for mobiles, as they have really high pixel density, and you don't really see it.
I'm currently recreating my game and all assets optimized for 640-360, upscaling to 1280x720, to save some memory and a bit performance boost for low-mid range phones.
I hope you will get some time at a later point to investigate some further improvements to get a bit closer to the pixi score. (Maybe just mobile specific tweaks) I think it's quite important for us doing mobile games, as we could lose a whole segment of users, and bad reviews if we can't get good enough performance on midrange phones. Keep it up!