New Intel XDK version released

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This is the new version of Basketball Practice with animated Character made with C3 Version.
  • Just a heads up that there's a new Intel XDK version released today which supports the "new Intel XDK project format" option in the latest C2 beta:

    Basically if you export your project for Cordova and tick the box to use the new Intel XDK project format, you'll get a folder with a .xdk file and most of the contents in the www subfolder. In the Intel XDK, you can click "Open an Intel XDK project" in the lower-left corner and open the .xdk file that was exported. This should then have your project mostly pre-configured, including referencing the appropriate Cordova plugins and also supporting WKWebView on iOS. So hopefully this will reduce the friction of getting things set up in the XDK.

    I'm interested to hear how this works out, so please give it a go! It's also a good opportunity to give WKWebView a shot if you use the Intel XDK to build iOS apps (previously it was only supported on PhoneGap Build).

  • Played with it last night to update my game on google play (version of Apache Cordova thing) and everything worked perfectly and smoothly.

    Export from C2 beta to XDK -> build in new XDK -> export to google play. Didn't use the "Open an Intel XDK project" though, instead (old habit I suppose) simply exported from C2 to my xdk project folder.

  • it is good the new update of intel, but i noticed that admob plugin is not working why?

    I tried to add the plugin by third party plugins, it was added fine, but when you go and build your game it says failed why.?

    can anyone solve this problem please with admob plugin, I use 1.0.3 version of admob

  • Ashley

    I tried the new Intel XDK version in the last night and I've some issues:


    1_ I still need to touch the screen to start the sound

    2_ I'm getting a weird noise when the chartboost ads plugin starts that only stops when I close the app.


    I got different errors when I imported the folder and when I opened the XDK file.

    • Importing www folder, the problem happened after app was built. When I executed the app, the loading screen was showed with an empty bar and it didn't change anymore.

    Edited: I cannot add plugins through plugin manager (nothing happens)

    • Opening the XDK file, the program didn't find the chartboost plugin and I've to cancel the process.

    Error message:

    Plugin "" is not present in the project. See `cordova plugin list`.

    When I tried again, I got a social share plugin error and now I'm stuck here.

    Error message:

    Command failed: /Applications/Intel --exec-path=/Applications/Intel -c init.templatedir=/Applications/Intel clone ... Gap-Plugin /var/folders/40/td660n9d3cldcx3wbc8y2ydw0000gn/T/git/1458821769829 Cloning into '/var/folders/40/td660n9d3cldcx3wbc8y2ydw0000gn/T/git/1458821769829'... error: Could not expand include path '~/.gitcinclude' fatal: bad config file line 49 in /usr/local/git/etc/gitconfig

    Edited: If I deselect the "Use new Intel XDK project format" option I can import the plugins but when I try to emulate the game I got this error message:

    404: Intel XDK can't find your app

    Do you have index.html in your source directory?

    PS. My index page is there

    Both plugins were installed in the iOS version.

  • From the release notes:

    [quote:1w94npxn]All Cordova plugins are now fetched from the NPM registry instead of the old CPR (Cordova Plugin Registry). Unfortunately, not all plugin authors have migrated their plugins to the new NPM plugin registry. If you have trouble retrieving plugins from the new registry that were available in the old registry you may have to specify that plugin's GitHub in order to add it to your project.

    I couldn't build Crosswalk app with phonegap AdMob (as it is in the C2 AdMob manual). Also couldn't re-add it (even with GitHub url). This plugin is depracated and I believe Cranberrygame will not update this one any more so C2 manual should be probably updated.

    Instead I have succesfully added Cordova AdMob plugin to my project in Intel XDK. However there is a known issue that C2 official plugin freezes the screen pretty often when combined with Cordova AdMob library. So again C2 official AdMob plugin probably will have to be updated or removed as there is no longer compatibile plugin in Intel XDK.

    I will test now C2 official + Cordova AdMob and see if it still freezes. If so then I'll switch C2 official AdMob with Cordova AdMob in C2 and test again. Will let you know how it goes.

  • Tested.

    C2 official AdMob plugin + Cranberrygame Cordova AdMob library (plugin for Intel XDK) still freezes the screen sometimes.

    C2 Cranberrygame Cordova AdMob plugin + Cranberrygame Cordova AdMob library does not freez the screen, but it happened to me twice during testing that it did not show the interstitial at all. But this might be related to something else.

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  • loaded XDK project via Construct export and works nicely. Currently not using Admob. Need a few days of testing to judge performance. On the previous XDK crosswalk builds my game runs around the 60fps mark most of the time anyway on Android, but occasionally there can be noticeable random lag while other times there is none at all. Restart the game and there's usually no lag for the duration of the game? I hope this new version helps reduce this issue.

  • loaded XDK project via Construct export and works nicely. Currently not using Admob. Need a few days of testing to judge performance. On the previous XDK crosswalk builds my game runs around the 60fps mark most of the time anyway on Android, but occasionally there can be noticeable random lag while other times there is none at all. Restart the game and there's usually no lag for the duration of the game? I hope this new version helps reduce this issue.

    Can I upgrade ver. from old intel XDK or need to open new project ?

  • It will upgrade.

  • Didn't work. Exported with Cordova from C2-225, tried to open in Intel XDK: Error, folder contains XDK ..(something or other) cannot open. That was strange.

  • Nice. Can't wait to try it.

  • Didn't work. Exported with Cordova from C2-225, tried to open in Intel XDK: Error, folder contains XDK ..(something or other) cannot open. That was strange.

    Make sure you are running XDK as Administrator.

  • Is this exporting format working better for Cranberry CordovaGame plugin ?

  • I export my project via C2, using "WKWebVIew on iOS" and "Use new Intel CDK project format"

    After setting up everything in XDK I get the following error when trying to build for iOS:

    "Error: Please specify a supported Cordova version (5.1.1 or 5.4.1)."

    This happens when 5.1.1 is selected and when 5.4.1 is selected

    There is a ticket open here: ... pic/621930

  • shinkan Thank you, Shinkan! I actually turned off the new project format option and then it accepted my folder into Intel XDK..

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