New Android Export Experiences

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  • Personally I think the filesize is a tradeoff worth making. It's the same deal as node-webkit really: there is additional file size, but you get a full feature-complete high-performance modern browser engine to run your game. If you really want to you can still use CocoonJS, but then you will have to deal with its various problems and unsupported features.

    The Google Play filesize limit does make the space you've got for your game assets tighter, but then hopefully we can solve that with a remote loader.

    In the long-term future, Google are moving towards a Chromium-powered webview built-in to Android. This would allow the best of both worlds: no size overhead, and a great browser engine. However it's a way off being as useful as Crosswalk is right now - the webview in KitKat is missing WebGL, Web Audio, and even hardware acceleration (!), plus updates are still tied to the OS version (so the version of Chromium could get out of date). Google have plans to fix all of that, and it is on the horizon, but it's likely to be years before a version of Android with all that has wide market share. Until then Crosswalk is the best engine we're going to get for Android native apps.

  • Oh, and IntelRobert - are the Chromium assets compressed in Crosswalk? I know for Windows you can get special executable packers which basically compress the contents of an EXE and then decompress it and run it on startup. It can make the startup time take longer, but done right it should only need to be done once on first run and could save several MB of space.

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  • yongsheng: can you answer Ashley's question?

    (Yongsheng works on crosswalk)

    Oh, and IntelRobert - are the Chromium assets compressed in Crosswalk? I know for Windows you can get special executable packers which basically compress the contents of an EXE and then decompress it and run it on startup. It can make the startup time take longer, but done right it should only need to be done once on first run and could save several MB of space.

  • I will look into solutions for people who are on XP and Vista. I am sure we can find something, but it might require a little extra effort on your part.

    IntelTyler IntelRobert

    will there be another option once The web version is retired?I really would love to continue to use this option for export on my current OS.

    Im using Windows Vista for now.

  • Crosswalk from XDK is already on v31. I verified by looking at the user agent string.

    IntelRobert are the last beta crosswalk using the last chrome engine (v31 not v29) is that the case or in a near future can send you my projects for test the crosswalk?


  • iOS doesn't have crosswalk, so this is a general XDK problem. Try using one of the c2 samples like spaceblaster and see if that works. If it does, then the problem is specific to your game. Click on the bug icon in emulator and look for errors in console. If you continue to have problems, please try asking a question here:

       @IntelRobert, using XDK NEW for iOS I'm getting a black screen testing a project with 7mb of assets. And a white screen on the emulator. Any ideas?

  • Jase00 This looks like a crosswalk problem specific to your phone software configuration. Can you file an issue at https:X//

    Remove the X after https: above. I can't post URL's yet.

    Mention that you are building with XDK. Give the model for your phone and the OS version. Attach a zip of the output of the exporter for a very simple project. JIRA will create an issue number so it would be good to edit your Scirra forum post to include the JIRA issue number so we know how to track the problem.


    I went ahead and began filling in all the fields with great detail, until I hit the hurdle of uploading the project. I zipped, rared, 7ziped, but I can't get the APK to reach 10mb or less. Unless you're reffering to the Construct 2's export, rather than the XDK's export?

    I reckon I have a likely suspicion as to why it don't work on my phone specifically, and that's from just these 2 details:

    My phone is a Samsung Galaxy S (GT-I9000)

    The operating system is CyanogenMod (Version 10.1.2) which is based on Android 4.2.2

    I mention this just out of the small chance that CyanogenMod is the potential problem that may have already been come across.

    I appreciate what you're doing for the Scirra forums! <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • back key not work on Samsung S4, Zakadventures_demo stopped

  • Has anyone managed to actually publish their app to the Play Store yet? I tried last night and it gave me the

    "Upload failed

    You uploaded a debuggable APK. For security reasons you need to disable debugging before it can be published in Google Play." error.

  • Crosswalk beta vs Cocoonjs

    Test Game on Samsung Galaxy S4

    --Crosswalk beta--

    Webgl Fx not Work correctly

    Music Volume too low

    Back key not work correctly

    FPS LOW = 25 , HIGH = 38




    Webgl Work correctly

    Music Volume work correctly,

    Back key work correctly

    FPS LOW = 35 , HIGH = 48



    I am very happy with Crosswalk, and still beta for a moment.

    Congratulations Intel

  • And last comment for Crosswalk, Move to SD Function

  • IntelRobert Ashley We've packed resources into one file called xwalk.pak. It'll be extracted at the first launch and then read the extracted files in the following runs. so Ashley you're absolutely right.

    We also remove some unnecessary resources for crosswalk. so the xwalk.pak is smaller than chromium package file.

  • Jase00 I don't have a Galaxy S phone but try crosswalk on HTC One X. And it seems all can work for my testing apps.

    CyanogenMod: Version 10.1.2

    Android: 4.2.2

    So I'm wondering whether logs from Android logcat can be shared so that we can address issues. Thanks a lot.

  • Crosswalk team says they have fixed the webaudio volume problem in 3.32. After everyone returns from vacation next week we can see when we can update the build system.

    Slice: I think Ashley is working on the back key problem. For the webgl fx problem, can you also test in chrome for android browser? If it works in browser then we need to find a simple way to reproduce the problem so the crosswalk team can look at it. Will look into 'move to sd' issue.

    TwinTails: Will investigate the play store problem. I guess we need an option in build dialog to control debuggability.

  • IntelRobert Ashley

    Has anyone looked into the screen orientation (fixed portrait or landscape) or full screen (hide notification bar) issues that have been brought up by several people in this thread? No one has replied about those.


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