New Android Export Experiences

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  • Ashley : it seems now that Xwalk can choose between the front or back camera on a getUserMedia request (at least that's what their bugtracker says). Is it possible to choose the input stream from C2, and pass that info to webkit ?

  • Ashely

    So far this morning what I've been able to deduce is that "Effects" -- Water Background and/or Physics causes Massive lag. So far, I'm led to believe the biggest lag comes from the Effect. I have one physics object in my game, and it is just "sluggish" now. I'm going to try to come up with a custom movement to simulate what I was doing with physics and report back here later.

    As far as "Chrome for Android" I take it to mean just dropbox the game an try to run it from the app?

    Thanks again.

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  • Could someone confirm for me: Crosswalk runs only in Android 4.2? I need to buy a cel phone with android to test my apks. Thanks.

  • Pode - media sources are on the todo list

    dooley - effects and physics are very resource-intensive. Have you not run your game on a mobile before? Desktops can easily be over 10 times faster than mobile, so you have to sometimes very carefully design them using only features that perform well. You can quickly test in Chrome for Android using preview-over-wifi.

    RenatoB - it's Android 4.0+.

  • Ashley

    Yep, I am seeing that. Here is a dropbox of my game in it's current state (with physics)

    My only physics are:

    On Touch >>> Set phyiscs velocity to (0,0)

                 Apply impulse 20 at angle 270 at image pt 0

    Touch >> is NOT in touch >>> Set physics world graviy to 25

    That's all the physics I have, and no effects. I'm not sure how to handle the shark's movement w/o physics, but i'll get to work on that next. Everything else is just Bullet behavior, the "background wrapping" from the auto runner template.

    Thanks for the keeping in touch. I'll be back with more info soon, hopefully a solution.

    Thanks again!

  • dooley - it runs perfectly here in Chrome for Android on a Nexus 5. Looks like a steady 60 FPS. What device/browser have you been testing on?

  • Ashley

    I was using Chrome for Android on a Nextbook 8. but it was horrible. So I'm now using a Samsung Galaxy Note 8, it seems to run fine, but when I touch the screen is does a "double click" where it seems to count my Touch twice.

    Do you know of any setting that helps with that, or maybe a was to combat in C2?


  • bertie Booster: Eisenhan is right. The runtime is part of the APK. That is why it is 17MB. It can't be updated without publishing a new APK.

    > I would have concerns about publishing software that relied on a wrapper that could be unilateraly updated/changed at any time after the game is published. No offence to Intel but you want to do all your testing & debugging before launch not every time crosswalk is updated.

    Why does a Crosswalk update affect you that happens after your APK went onto the Google store?

    It's not a "live" connection.

  • bertie Booster: Eisenhan is right. The runtime is part of the APK. That is why it is 17MB.


    > > I would have concerns about publishing software that relied on a wrapper that could be unilateraly updated/changed at any time after the game is published. No offence to Intel but you want to do all your testing & debugging before launch not every time crosswalk is updated.


    > Why does a Crosswalk update affect you that happens after your APK went onto the Google store?


    > It's not a "live" connection.

    Sorry we've crossed wires here I was referring to a possible scenario if the methodology discussed in the post previous to mine was adopted

    I understand that it's not "Live" at the moment and trust me I've looked at that 17MB very closely as the APK approaches 50MB.

    My concern is that a game I write and debug/test using say Crosswalk 2.2.4 could be installed work and then break when the customer is required to install say Crosswalk 2.6.1 a few games later. Anyone who Flash Dev'd with AIR will know what can happen when the AIR runtime is updated although to be fair the problems were predominantly in the early days.

    If Intel are going to go the way of a one (install) to many (apps) option I do hope there is some way of signing an app to only use verified versions incorporated.

  • Is there an up-to-date guide on publishing using Intel's Crosswalk? Lots of recent changes and additional features or compatibility changes... so hard to keep track of it all.

    Is AdMob supported?

    Lock orientation to landscape possible?

  • Update, I have just compile with the new version and it is an amazing difference. Its running AS fast as CocoonJS (or even FASTER!) AND it doesn't have the stupid flaws that CocoonJS has: Flashing logo, taking forever to load at startup, massive vram usage..

    I have to congratulate Intel for a great effort.

    Now you guys just need to have AdMob support and we're near perfect!

  • Is sound still come from earpiece?

    when it will be fix? or when will be fix it? (sorry for my english!)

  • Sound works for my tablet as well as headphones.. but cannot control the volume via the device. Even when you mute the speakers, its playing sounds...

    It seems like a tradeoff, none of the crap from CocoonJS especially ridiculous permissions and terrible loading/vram.. to sound issues.

    Also, is there a way to edit the Version Code (for Google Play) when compiling?

  • IntelRobert


    In the new update did they add a way to lock screen orientation?

  • When you build with Crosswalk, make sure you click the 'canary' version in the build dialog.

    You can also select if you want to run your app in full screen, or with the toolbar showing as well.

    Then inside C2, use the Browser Object, and "Lock Orientation" to whichever mode you want.

    Try the above suggestion to lock orientation.

    Also, Crosswalk is amazing, tested my game on a very old phone: HTC Incredible S, weak SoC and 512mb ram and it ran flawless, with perfect screen resizing! Using CocoonJS, it would never load due to low ram.

    Edit: Also something interesting regarding the sound bug, on my ASUS tf700 with Tegra 3, volume control doesn't work, but on HTC devices (One X and Incredible S) it works fine.. sound bug is volume control only applies to music played, not sounds. If you guys at Intel want to chase this bug up:

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