Lerp(start, end, t)
Its something like:
objects variable= move
object set position to lerp(object.x, target.x,1-0.5^dt), lerp(object.y,target.y,1-0.5^dt)
That tells the object that while its variable returns true, set its current x to the distance between it, and the target every 1-0.5^dt ticks.
So if its last x was 0, then its next x might be 1, because you are referencing its current x, rather than a static point.
If you were to say set x to lerp(1,10,1-0.5^dt), it would go to the distance between 1 and 10 divided by about 0.6, or half, say about 5.5.
If the t value were 0.9 it would go to about 9.