iOS 5.1 speed up a bit

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  • Gents

    those who use C2 for iOS development - have you noticed the tiny 15-20% performance increase after iOS 5.1 install?

    Firstly I thought C2 v.84 did the FPS improvement, but then checked my previous already created .ipa builds and there's really obvious speed up.

    On that note (as I'm not a programmer) but very carefully optimizing my games for iOS in C2...has anybody experienced with WEB WORKERS or is there a plan of C2 creators of some implementation, or even do you think it's worth of digging in it to get some improvement?


  • tomkuk : the problem with webworkers implementation (at least for the webkit build used in iOS), is that you can't pass DOM object, and you can't pass Canvas data directly. So you need to do some bit swapping, which is ressources and time consuming, for the moment web workers won't help a lot on iOS (perhaps it's useful for number crushing, but I don't see a C2 use case for that particular need for the moment).

  • I didn't notice any improvements on my iPad... But it's nice to know!

  • I didn't subjectively notice an improvement (iPad2), but something like 15-20% is not always easy to see or "feel", unless you have a fps counter, and I also didn't test extensively at all.

    iOS 5.1 finally enabled me to sync wirelessly, though, so I love it anyway! :)

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  • I had a feeling it was a little faster, but hadn't specifically profiled it. It's common for software updates to improve performance so it's not surprising, and is why you should always stay up to date!

  • sure I'm using FPS counter and objectcount.

    My prototype has 90 objects, and 2 players touch controls on iPad, and a lot of shooting each other

    previously was starting at 65 FPS, while moving and in action drop down to 18 fps

    now after iOS 5.1 installed - starting at 89 FPS and has bottom at 27 FPS in action

  • We're always doing little tweaks to try and improve mobile performance as well - maybe something in the latest build helps.

  • Gents

    those who use C2 for iOS development - have you noticed the tiny 15-20% performance increase after iOS 5.1 install?

    Firstly I thought C2 v.84 did the FPS improvement, but then checked my previous already created .ipa builds and there's really obvious speed up.

    On that note (as I'm not a programmer) but very carefully optimizing my games for iOS in C2...has anybody experienced with WEB WORKERS or is there a plan of C2 creators of some implementation, or even do you think it's worth of digging in it to get some improvement?


    Web Workers are very cool and part of the HTML5 specification, but they don't support most DOM things. Does Construct have Web Workers running in the background? Web Workers and Web Sockets are two lesser known part of HTML5 that should be helping games to be faster.

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