Knowing this explains a lot. I mistakenly thought that audio was loaded per layout like graphic files.
TheRealDannyyy Where can we join you in testing this plugin? We may be in a position to help with this fix, if needed.
It's on the way, we just add some smaller things like unloading audio by name and optimize the code here and there.
I'll notify you using a tag here when we share the experimental plugin to public. (Probably going to create a topic on Sunday.)
There are currently some issues with the delay between event execution and the garbage collector, a lot of technical things but we'll try to explain it in a more simple fashion inside the topic. We also hope that Ashley will check it out and maybe put the unloading features inside the official audio plugin, if he's alright with how we handle things.
Big shoutout to — for taking care of creating this amazing plugin!
Do you have "preload sounds" enabled? Does it work better if you turn that off?
This is a great solution to at least get the game running but it won't stop the game from reaching the memory limit and crash as a result.
I believe memory issues with audio also were the reason why Klang only works on 64bit systems. (Not sure if he's found a workaround for it but I think it's still 64bit only.)
Anyway, I think it's time to address this major flaw of the audio engine and try to find a more effective workaround.