> I'll try and get audio unloading in the next build...
It would be awesome to see it as an official feature.
TheRealDannyyy thank you for your hard work as well.
Thanks to BackendFreak, I'm just the "publisher" for this one.
TheRealDannyyy Thank you for this, very helpful! Hopefully, will find it`s way into an official update too.
Out of interest how does memory management / garbage collection of video work? - is it like image files with automatic garbage collection on layout change or more like audio? Could we further save ram use by unloading video from ram after viewing?
I've honestly never used the video plugin and I'm using C2 for a couple of years now.
I think memory management for videos is handled by the "destroy" action?
Judging by THIS changelog I assume that destroying the video, unloads the memory used for the playback.
The best way to make sure that it is, is by doing measurements on your end and see if memory usage goes down when destroying the object or changing the layout.