I'm not really interested with a fighting game tutorial but I have some tips for you. I'm aware that this tutorial is not addressed to a new C2 user but for more advanced "eventers" (is that a word?, almost like adventurers ;) ). You should rethink how You want to present your tutorial. Start from scratch, blank sheets and start adding actions one by one, explaining what and why are you doing this or just use what you have and then explain what event nr 6 do, and why event nr 15 is a sub event...
I stopped watching your vid after few minutes cause I start feeling dizzy. You've been jumping around from events on top to events on bottom, toggle one off then toggle off something elsewhere. Suddenly You paste a function, then again toggle disable few times, paste some code again. And it was like that all the way to the end.
So yeah, my few word. Keep better and keep improving.