From my last game, Project Dimentia Bodhisattva, ( (the game takes 5-15 hours to complete. Use Chrome on Windows if you wanna play.) I see a few players ran into situations where the game is not saved. I can narrow down the problems as follow:
1. They don't have enough storage in their browser's setting.
2. Some of their browser's plugin/setting prevent the game to save.
These issues could be remedy by setting the right parameters in the browser and/or disable certain plugin, but when I was aware of this, several players were already affected of this issue and they lost their game progress.
The problem is that On Saved trigger will only be fired if the save is successful. If the save is never successful, the trigger is never fired - and game is never saved. There is no "On Save Failed" trigger, I see.
So I would like to safeguard this for my next game. My questions:
1. Is there some sort of way that I can track the saving progress of the save game function before "On Save Completed" trigger?
2. "On Save Completed" trigger is the only opportunity to get the "saved data" JSON, but if it is never triggered, I can't get the data. Is there an alternative way to get this JSON without saving the game? (Are there other plugins out there that allow you to access this JSON?)
3. Are there some sort of Javascript codes/plugin/etc. that allow us to check for remaining allowable memory in browser or the like? At least, before the game starts, we should be able to test if the game can save properly or not.
4. Any plugin/alternative/suggestion/other method for save/load game?