I was searching around YouTube and found this video talking about things to think about before you start making your game. They even mention C2 and this is a very good MUST SEE for developers I think.
It gives you something to think about before you get started.
I hope this is ok to post I think it has some very good information...
Yikes, he had some good info, but what an annoying speaker ... I turned it off 2 minutes in.
You mean this guy?
<img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle">
He should lay off the coffee probably <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle">
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Thanks for sharing :) Some useful tips in there, especially the thing about using .jpgs.
Thank you for the link. I didn't find the speaking annoying at all! :P
good presentation TFP!!
yes I thought the presentation was well put together and how he spoke shouldn't effect what he spoke about. He knew his stuff especially since he's already where most of us want to be as far as making games go.
Thank you for checking it out.
I don't know, he sounded to me like a person who was giving a half hour presentation.
It's a year and a half old so it's somewhat old info, but most of it is still relevant.