Hi All,
I unfortunately can't post my capx here, but I'm wondering what could possibly cause my game to crash every so often on the start of new layouts. In each level my CPU never really goes over 50-60%, memory has never been over 60-70 mbs. Object count can be upwards of 1000, but I have another game that has well over 5k-6k and that has never crashed like this. The game just closes and gives no warning why. It even crashes on boss levels where there are no enemies that have behaviors or any of that.
When I tried to run it in Chrome, it finally gave an error saying "Chrome ran out of memory". I know that's not the case, because the other game that had thousands of objects has over 200-300 mbs of image memory per level and it runs fine.
Has anyone else encountered anything like this? I'm kind of stuck and don't know how to test this since it doesn't happen every single time...
*EDIT* It shouldn't matter, but I do have a tilemap with squares that has the solid behavior on it - is that a bad approach?