Is there a fade audio action?

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  • I can't find one but it seems like it would be extremely useful and lend game audio a professional polish.

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  • Isn't it easier to edit your audio (original source) in something like Audition or Audacity to have a fade out? That's the route I would take Audacity is free and very usefull for this sorta stuff.

  • Isn't it easier to edit your audio (original source) in something like Audition or Audacity to have a fade out? That's the route I would take Audacity is free and very usefull for this sorta stuff.

    I think PSI means situations when you can't predict the length of the sound/music, for example when moving from menu to a game layout.

    You can of course already code it, but I agree, it would add an easy and fast way to polish our games.

  • Oh yeah, my bad. Didn't think of that. That would be a nice option to have.

  • Ya, I'd appreciate that as well. Coding audio stuff can be a pain.

  • Coding audio stuff can be a pain.

    Hear you, currently struggling with audio myself.

  • Fortunately, there is the rex_audio_helper plugin! It adds some extra functionality to the audio plugin, including fade in/out <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    It's made by rexrainbow, check his plugin/behavior list, there are a gazillion useful stuff that he made, the guy is awesome <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Or... Every tick set Master volume to Sprite.Opacity

  • Thanks for the input everyone.

    eli0s - thanks for the info--I just downloaded the plugin!

    korbaach - a pretty ingenious approach if one has a corresponding fade.

  • Uh...the audio plugin can adjust volume you know. Just set it to a variable and add/subtract that every tick.

  • Tokinsom , it's just simpler with rex's plugin

  • fade-in..fade-out volume...

  • korbaach , while your method is indeed clever and relatively simple, it's limiting because of the sprite dependency.

    If you want to fade in and out multiple sounds with independent fade timings, you'll have to either use multiple sprites or many instances of a sprite filtered by instance variables. It's definitely doable but not very practical to setup and trigger.

    On the other hand, the rex_audio_helper does exactly that, it plays/stops any sound with any amount of fade. With a single action every time.

    It's good to have alternatives and out of the box thinking, but some tools exist to make our life easier and I think that rexrainbow 's work is brilliant and shouldn't be neglected with workarounds.

    I am not sure how all this sounds, I mean no disrespect

  • Tokinsom - thanks!

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