Joannesalfa, I agree it would be good to hear a little more information from
appbackr about what they can do for us!
Their terms and conditions are worth reading see here
Section 5.2 - states that you are granting them a non-exclusive license to distribute your app.
Section 6.3 - states that you remain the owner of all rights (including intellectual property) to your app.
Section 3.4 - mentions the commission that appBackr receives for their services.
I'm most interested in section 3.4. I've read that appBackr charges 10% for their services, but I'm still not completely sure what those services are.
If we are paying the 10% for appBackr to actively promote our apps, leading to the possibility of many more downloads, then I'd say it's a worthwhile investment. If however, we're charged 10% just for hosting our apps on their website, then this doesn't seem like such a good deal!
It would be interesting to get some further clarification on these points,