> > We can use ads now with admob? Is there a tutorial yet?
> >
> > Also, what are adMobs prices? I think with our current ads that only have an impression when you open the app, we get crap like less than .01 per click
> >
> Use cranberrygame's AdMob plugin, he has the instructions as well as the CAPX demo included. It's well worth the $12, until Scirra or Intel includes official C2 plugin support anyway.
> My limited experience with AdMob, CPM is ~$1.7 (for 1000 impressions), but it obviously varies with click rate. It depends on the country, but for USA, a click tend to earn around 15 to 20 cents. For Australia, its very high, up to 45 cents. Canada is also very high, often 30+ cents.
great info, thanks for all of this. One more question though, if I go ahead and use the plugin, and C2 makes an official plugin, would I be able to switch without any problem? and is there any confirmation that Scirra is working on an official plugin?
I tried to get confirmation but Ashley never responded to my querries.
But I don't see why you cannot switch, it's all in XDK itself, just remove one plugin and add another to your build.
We may even see C2 plugins (AdMob & IAP) from Intel soon, fingers crossed.
Definitely go ahead and get cranberrygame's plugins, they work great!