When I create new project in Crosswalk it asks me about game engine
What game engine to choose?
Or I check in "Game Project" "No"?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
set to yes and type construct 2
On Intel XDK v2248:
1. Projects
2. Start a new project
3. Templates
4. Blank
5. HTML5 + Cordova
6. Continue
set to yes and type construct 2 - it's impossible
- it's impossible
On Intel XDK v2248: 1. Projects 2. Start a new project 3. Templates 4. Blank 5. HTML5 + Cordova 6. Continue
The same as "Game Project": "No"
> set to yes and type construct 2 > - it's impossible
> set to yes and type construct 2
> - it's impossible
yes sorry i remember that from older version in newer version it's changed !
Yeah, you have to set that to 'No'.
Yes, it's counter-intuitive.