I think this is very important...
You should contact Ludei about that...
I repeat everytime, I don't understand why developers of software don't care so much about "how make money from ads without problem"... I know cocoonJS is the best platform to publish on iOS, but they doesn't care if the plugin for construct2 need to update (like facebook or something) or if the plugin is old and make some problem...
Ashley, I think construct2 is the best software to make application in html5, and I think in the near future the new phone will support perfectly the html5 without lag... if construct2 make a easy and good plugin with some company to insert the ADS and add like a subscription a year to use the plugin of construct2 (to maintain the plugin) will be very powerful for everybody...
a lot of topics are about "how make money with ads..." etc...
Make games is a hobby for the most of people who use construct2, because who make a "serious" games use different software (more time... no hobby) for my first time, I think construct2 is a powerful software to make a "serious" game...
I tried another software to make game (corona...etc) and you need so much time to study and make something, with construct2 you need a short time and the performance is incredible... (I try to make a games with lua code, easy but very difficult in some cases...)
sorry for the off topic, but I think is important... it's good the feature of multiplayer (I love it) but some plugins (like insert ads easly to make money or other to improve the costumers to make money from the app of contruct2) can get a good possibility to make a "job" in this case... and I think everybody who bought a construct2, if we have the possibility to insert a special plugin to insert ads and get a real money would take a subscription to get a "perfect" plugin... I prefer pay and get something working very well (I know, this is about the plugin, construct2 actually is perferct for me)
is frustrating read topic about the app when something doesn't work because some script need to update or need to make a new one...