I found an issue about the NWjs zoom pinch (togglable with ctrl+mouse wheel) that can't be disabled in viewport, which can be very inconvenient if used by accident by an unexperimented player and can ruin the game display, as well as making ctrl+mousewheel impossible to use in the events;
(I am using the latest version of NWjs for C2)
Also I tried to add the "js-flags" property to the package to use the "--disable-pinch" flag following the example of this topic, but I get this error message :
Any idea of what could be the cause? Thanks in advance ~
Edit : I tried to put the flag and export the game but it still doesn't work
Edit 2 : Found another bug, it seems to concern HTML elements only, I'm using a slider bar and a list in my project, and this is how it looks before and after export :
My project is 1980x1080, tested with both Letterbox scale modes, resizable windows enabled and disabled, it happens everytime after export;
(just tested with a previous version to be sure, the problem happens only in the latest one)