> Hi, there seems to be a new bug or problem.
> Each time I run, the NWjs window loses its configuration and returns to the initial configuration.
> That did not happen before.
> Watch this video, first adapt the window to the upper left corner of the screen, then run again and the window loses the configuration.
> Mi version is 0.43.1
> Is this reported?. I don't know if that's what you were talking about in your previous message.
Try running with the "--disable-features=nw2" chromium arg. If the issue still occurs, it's probably something that's never been supported. If it works, it's an NW2 issue that needs to be reported.
Hi, I tried that but it has not solved anything.
I added the argument to the "package.json" file and then saved the file.
I did the test but the window keeps losing the configuration.
I deleted the argument from the "package.json" file and saved it again.
I have installed the previous version of NWjs 0.42.4 with this version everything works as usual and the window does not lose the configuration. In the gif you can see how I adapt the window, then run again and the window remains.
I think the latest version of NWjs has a bug.