Audio lag in chrome mobile?

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  • As a prelude, yes, I am preloading my sounds.

    I'm dropping some SFX into my current project, and damn, chrome mobile lags terribly. I'd guess it's around 0.5 seconds before a sound actually plays. And yes, that's every time, not just the first.

    Weirdly, firefox mobile drops frames visually, but there is very little delay in triggering sound effects.

    Is crosswalk like this too? I haven't tried a crosswalk export with sound I'm getting worried.

  • Chrome mobile has sound decoding issues on android IIRC ... ?id=424174

    may be related.

  • I've had some audio issues even with desktop Chrome. I need music to loop back at a certain point, and since C2 doesn't have that functionality, the only way is to immediately play another instance of the music, and set the playback position; but in doing so there is an audible pause.


  • I've had some audio issues even with desktop Chrome. I need music to loop back at a certain point, and since C2 doesn't have that functionality, the only way is to immediately play another instance of the music, and set the playback position; but in doing so there is an audible pause.


    Well, we have that function, though I haven't tried it yet. Are you saying looping doesn't work?

    ^ Search for 'loop'.

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  • TiAm I meant looping back to a specific time in the audio. So instead of loop to beginning, loop to position.

    There is currently no good way to loop to a specific position without lag, as far as I know. Although now that I've read it again, there is one more thing I can try.

    I will try to measure if the looping audio is > a certain point and then use seekto.

  • DatapawWolf

    Ah, ok, I see. I'll give your idea a try on my end too.

  • I notice the same audio lag too while using chrome on mobile devices. I tried to export my app using the Intel Xdk and the lag is still there in the exported version.

    If anyone has any insight on getting audio to work well with mobile I would be interested. Figured I would post here instead of making a new topic because we are having similar issues.

  • Yeah, I still get this on chrome mobile, and also on crosswalk export, even with version 7. I've been meaning to file it as a issue on the chromium tracker, but just haven't got around to it yet.

    It's odd too, because I can pretty much go nuts with web audio effects (and I don't have the greatest android device), but that lag just won't go away no matter how much I strip things down.

  • Yeah, I still get this on chrome mobile, and also on crosswalk export, even with version 7. I've been meaning to file it as a issue on the chromium tracker, but just haven't got around to it yet.

    It's odd too, because I can pretty much go nuts with web audio effects (and I don't have the greatest android device), but that lag just won't go away no matter how much I strip things down.

    I wrote this post back in June 2014, and it seems that the problem still exists in Chrome for Android and Crosswalk.

    I made this

    with lag measurements.

  • cesisco

    I bumped the post. It's not C2, but it's not android either because firefox mobile works fine.

  • Construct 2's engine doesn't add any latency, so it must be in Chrome or the Android OS. Which version of Android is it? I think the latest Android updates have significantly reworked the audio engine in the OS. I've never noticed much latency with our test devices either (Nexus 5, Nexus 9, Moto X) so maybe it depends on the device too?

  • android version 4.4.2

    My phone isn't the greatest, just a prepaid virgin mobile phone. I have not tried my apps on any newer devices to see if the lag is any less.

    Thanks for the quick response though!

    Yeah its only chrome on my phone that I notice it in too, will try firefox as someone else mentioned for playtesting maybe. As far as I know the exporter always uses chrome though?

  • Ashley

    I have KitKat 4.4.2.

    As I said before, I don't believe this is a shortcoming of C2, since firefox mobile has very low latency. However, that means it's not an inherent shortcoming of android either. It's possible that this is related to higher input lag in chrome, I'm not sure. I'm having trouble coming up with a capx that can measure it.

    For an example: tapping as fast as possible on a sprite that causes a sound to play, I can:

      Chrome for Android: manage three taps before hearing the sound play. Firefox for android: sound plays before I can land a second tap, specifically on the upswing of my finger.

    As I reason it, that works out to FF having about a quarter the latency of chrome.

  • I'd provide a demo and file it on so the Chrome developers can take a look. I think you're right that given Firefox for Android does not have the same latency, it must be Chrome and not Android or C2.

  • For older devices and Android editions, the chances of this getting fixed are zilch, unfortunately. That's the biggest curse of the Android world.

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