Hi guys,
I am trying to make a animation blending system where the legs of the robot I am animating will stop at a specific frames (14 and 29) where both the feets are touching the ground.
I have set it up so that if the animation is playing, as long as the animation frame is not 14 or 29, a loop will loop through the animationframe and play the animation until it stops at 14/29.
When the robot walks again then, it will continue from the previous frame (again 14 or 29).
For some reason however it seems like I am facing an issue with the blending. The frame will stop at the nearest frame, but it will just stop abruptly instead of easing in.
I hope I am making some sense?
If anyone is willing, here's the Capx for you to dissect the errors I made.
Thanks alot for your time and I appreciate any insight for this.
I have uploaded into Arcade for those who want to test.