Sound not working on iOS 10

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  • Problem Description

    We recently tested our C2/Cordova project on an iPhone 6 (running iOS 9.3) and the sound worked perfectly. Today I upgraded to iOS 10.0.2 and the sound has now stopped working.

    I can confirm this is only a problem with iOS 10, as we've also tested on an iPod (still running iOS 9.3) and the sound continues to work perfectly.

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    A simple capx that plays an audio track, on start of layout.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Export app
    • Upload and build in PhoneGap
    • Run app on device using iOS 10

    Observed Result

    Audio does not work on device running iOS 10

    Expected Result

    Audio to work successfully, as with pre iOS 10 devices.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES/NO)
    • FireFox: (YES/NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES/NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10

    Construct 2 Version ID

    First tested on latest stable (r233) and then on latest beta (r236) in case problem had already been fixed.

  • Can't reproduce: ran it on an iPad Air 2 running iOS 10.0.2 and it worked fine.

    You didn't describe your export options so I used WKWebView, btw.

  • Hi Ashley, thanks for your reply.

    However, we're still experiencing the issue.

    In our first export (using r233) I did select the checkbox to use WKWebView. And if I remember correctly r236 is set up to use WKWebView automatically.

    I also note that you tested the issue, using an iPad Air.

    Whenever we've experienced iOS audio issues in the past (and as you know, there have been quite a few over the last few months) we've noticed that they almost always effect our iPhone 6. But the same issues haven't always caused problems on our other i-Devices (iPod & iPad Pro). Despite the fact that all device were running the same version of iOS at the time.

    We have also had a report from one of our testers (also using iPhone 6 with iOS 10.0.2) and they've mentioned experiencing the same problem.

    It could be worth testing this on an iPhone 6 (if you have access to one). Because we're still experiencing the issue, and we've run our tests using the same capx that we submitted to this bug report.

    It's also worth pointing out that the capx we used does still play audio on our iPod & iPad (both of which are still on iOS 9.3).

    Thanks for your time

  • I can also say that audio is not working on my iphone 5 (only device) with iOS 10, while it was fine with iOS 9

    Regards Phil

  • Hi Ashley,

    I know you've marked this bug as closed now, but we're still experiencing this problem. And so is one of our testers using the same iOS device and version. We're both using the same capx that you've tested, so we should be getting the same results, but we're not.

    Would you be able to test on an iPhone 6 (running iOS 10.0.2) to see if you can reproduce the issue there?

    Thanks for the help

  • There's nothing much I can do if I can't reproduce the problem. Can you find a more reliable way to reproduce it, especially on an iPad Air 2? In exceptional circumstances we can purchase a device to investigate a bug report, but that is pretty expensive.

  • Hi Ashley,

    We appreciate that you don't want to purchase a new device, just to test a bug that doesn't seem to be affecting everyone. Perhaps you could test it on an older iPhone, to see if it can be reproduced there.

    We know from our own experience (with iOS audio bugs) that not all i-Devices behave in the same way. When we experienced audio problems in iOS 9.2, that also seemed to affect iPhones but not iPads. So there is a precendent for this type of disparity between different iOS devices.

    I've done some further research and I've found a similar audio bug, that was reported in connection with iOS 9.2. Here, on page 2 ( you mention that you were unable to reproduce the bug on your iPad Air. And yet others continued to report the problem. Then on page 6 you mention that you were finally able to reproduce the issue on an iPhone 4S. Which seems to back up the idea that different i-Devices can react differently to bugs.

    If there were some kind of major difference between our tests and yours (i.e. testing with a different capx) then perhaps it could be dismissed as an error on our part.

    But when the only difference is the type of device we're both using, it would suggest that perhaps there is a problem, but (for some reason) it just doesn't show up on your iPad Air.

    Thanks again for your time, we appreciate any further assistance you can offer.

  • Hello Ashley, I concur with blacksmith, it is know that the audio is different between devices.

    I have also tried building and exporting the attached capx and there is no sound on my iphone 5

    I appreciate that there is an expense associated with buying a device for testing, however the iPad air 2 makes up 3.5% of the apple device range while the iphone 5&6 cover more then 50% ( Can I suggest getting a second hand 5 to improve coverage (£100ish).

    Is the iPad Air 2 the only device that you are able to test iOS builds on? Is there anything like logs or such that I could send you to help testing on iPhone 5.

    Regards Philip

  • i am having the same exact issue with an iphone 6, Ashley please buy a new test device, you have that ipad since years

  • Definitely iOS10+ has changed the way it handles audio with WKWebView.

    I suspect older work-arounds to get music working on iOS9 (again because iOS9 changed the way it handles audio!! lol) are no longer compatible.

  • its not the firts time we have a problem with sound in iOS before, looks like they always change how the audio works, i really need this bug fix asap

  • i am having the same exact issue with an iphone 6

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  • Guys, already figured out the problem here, its not a full fix but hey, at least we have sounds now

  • Tested on an iPhone 5S with iOS 10.1.1 and it worked fine. It starts playing audio right away. I built the .capx in the original report with PhoneGap Build using WKWebView. So as far as I can see, it works on iPhone, and it works on iOS 10.

  • Thanks for testing ASHLEY.

    We're still not getting any audio But after our last iOS update (10.1.1) just a few days ago, we're not getting call or text alert audio anymore either. So who knows with iOS these day.

    But thanks again for trying

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