Hello again.
I've finished and exported my project (that restored one). It works fine on the computer.
I can play it in the browser without any problem, but only on the computer.
When I put it on my website, there is just black edge. Do I have do something extra to play it on the internet?
Game download
and HTML on the website
The HTML online link works fine for me! It's too slow to play (this PC is crap) but it looks great!
But very strange. I have Windows 7 and Firefox 5, but I can't run it
It's loading..loading and after 100%..nothing, just white.
What browser plugins do I need to run?
It's loading..loading and after 100%..nothing, just white
same here...?
Working fine for me through safari.
The control setup is pretty awful though in my opinion.
Are you using noscript?
It works OK here. I think I might have found a related bug - I'll try to fix for the next build.
Hmmm...I downloaded Internet Explorer 9 and it worked fine on it, so it doesn't work just on Firefox....and maybe some else browser.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Doesn't work for me in both FF and Opera, Javascript is enabled
I've asked a few poeple and it's confirmed. Game doesn't work on Firefox and Opera, but works on Explorer and Chrome.
This should be fixed in r48. Let me know if not. (You'll need to re-export your game.)