I've asked a few poeple and it's confirmed. Game doesn't work on Firefox and Opera, but works on Explorer and Chrome.
Hmmm...I downloaded Internet Explorer 9 and it worked fine on it, so it doesn't work just on Firefox....and maybe some else browser.
But very strange. I have Windows 7 and Firefox 5, but I can't run it
It's loading..loading and after 100%..nothing, just white.
What browser plugins do I need to run?
Hello again.
I've finished and exported my project (that restored one). It works fine on the computer.
I can play it in the browser without any problem, but only on the computer.
When I put it on my website, there is just black edge. Do I have do something extra to play it on the internet?
Game download
and HTML on the website
I got just that error massage. I didn't found more info. I just know that deleted event sheet was probably saved in temp and something deleted it. Now I saved it like project and I have those sheets untouchable.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Ok, nevermind, I'm doing that sheet again. And anyway it's a Freeware so that sometimes happens. And just one question. How can I set which layout will be first, when I start the game?
Ou. That event sheet was really hard. However I exported project to the final stance before it got corrupted. Can I somehow get it back from exported data?
Exported Data
Thanks for restoring BTW.
Hello I've just started work with Construct 2, but I can't load my saved projects. If I want to load them, I'll get this error
<img src="http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/3126/chybas.jpg" border="0">
Here is the capx File
Any ideas?