Audio "on ended" isn't triggered in iOS

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  • Problem Description

    I've created mobile game and it runs well on Android devices, but when I run my game on iOS audio "on ended" condition isn't triggered. I've tested the game in the device browser and in the app exported with IntelSDK.

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    This Capx plays a sound on layout start and "on ended" of the sound changes the background color of the layout and updates text

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • OPen the project an run it in local network
    • Test it on windows or on Android in a browser - you can see the backgound color is changed on sound end
    • Test in browser on iOS - the background color isn't changed and the text is not updated

    Observed Result

    When the sound is finished the background color isn't changed and the text is not updated

    Expected Result

    When the sound is finished the background color should be changed and the text should be updated

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    iOS 8.0

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • I can confirm that I saw this in r206 as well. This may be related to

  • I think it's a bug in Safari 8, and it appears fixed already in Safari 9, but I've worked around the Safari 8 bug in the next build anyway.

  • Ashley or anyone who might have some insight on this ... im still having the issue of IOS 8 not recognizing the on "tag" ended events ... BUT this is only when im using audio outside of c2 ... by this i mean going into the data.js and changing the "media/" to my "" where my client has audio hosted in a folder.

    in my project im loading the rest of the path in the play (by name) action ""/audio/gameSounds/mysound.m4a" and the on ended events that follow in the code are not recognizing the sound has ended.

    this DOES work in 9 and on desktop and on android. .... i will also reiterate that 8.4 DOES recognize the "on ended" if im using sounds imported into c2 and not mess with the "media/" folder in data.js



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  • Are you sure you're using r216? We fixed some bugs with this recently, including the firing of "on ended" on iOS 8.

    Modifying data.js like you say is not supported, and given that you say it works on iOS 9 and everywhere else, it sounds like it will be fixed anyway once everyone updates iOS.

  • yea im in r216 ... and i agree totally with "it works on iOS 9 and everywhere else, it sounds like it will be fixed anyway once everyone updates iOS" just thought id ask the pros!

    thanks for the reply

  • I use 216 and I still have the issue in iOS 8

  • This is a closed bug report, please file a new report if you still have trouble, and be sure to test the latest release (currently r218).

  • Hi Ashley!

    I've tested the new release on iOS 8 and iOS 9. In iOS 9 sound end event fires well, but in iOS 8 the event doesn't fire.


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