hi guys i need some help! i'm looking for a video walkthrough tutorial on how to do path finding with nodes and path costs. i salt of understand it but still getting myself in a mudhal doing it. I even payed for a NodePath_556 Capx Example in construct store and still can not get my head around it , so if Anyone can make one i would be very grateful, thanks all
Bump. In hopes that someone has something.
Thanks David, i'm hoping too but its not looking good so far
You may interested in this topic :
Hopefully it gives you an idea at least on basic node path finding.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
awesome....thank you.
Thank you alextro ...got any more likes this ?
There is one provided by R0J0hound:
The file is a CAP that means must be opened using Construct Classic but the source really worthed. In the sample R0J0hound show how to change/choose nodes direction based on given condition.
Oh alextro i don't have Construct Classic or know how to use it im just getting my head around Construct 2 lol.... BUT this duns sound like what i'm looking for tho, So do you mean it can only be done using C Classic buddy and no way of putting it in C2 ?
Basically the events system pretty similar to C2. Download Construct Classic from.. wait is it completely shut? How unfortune..
I guess I will re-work that sample in C2 then deliver it to You.
Of course you can just PM R0J0hound anyway.
oh that would be cool if you can and iv also pm R0J0hound but no reply yet
thanks again alextro big help
Oh and if you want Construct Classic, here's the SourceForge download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/constru ... e/download
Here the rework sample from R0J0hound: Astar_Nodes_rework
took Me sometime to adopt it to C2 due to some unfamiliar syntax on CC
alextro carl
Here's an updated capx with more of C2's niceties.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/p1w0y1qusjp38 ... .capx?dl=1
Wow very kind of you — Thank you for added extra feature!