Thank you, I'm in no rush right now; I can wait for an update. I'm more busy at keeping my head cold, thinking of all I can do with your nice work!
It's a bit off topic but i just have to say it,
you cant believe, what big FACT you just bring'd to the reality, i cant see another game engine that can satisfy me more then c2, and with this plugin and many others like it, its just better and better, i love all about what is scirra community some bad , some good, but man... when u see people gathered to do 1 thing, and the devotions that some people have(Q3D Plugin, developer ) its incredible, this isn't a work to be done easy, its tedious, its hours and hours , of brain work. ... . . and in end for 30 CAD? its underpricing, and its awesome i love it cause it can bring my full ideas to reality now , 2d/3d/2.5 isometric anything i can think of, ) )