Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

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  • I'm trying to import a JSON file from Blender.

    Just a simple cube. I'm using the exporter from the r69 three.js

    but I get this error :

    Javascript error!Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefinedhttp://localhost:50000/Quazi3D_plugin.js, line 483 (col 19)This is likely a bug in Construct 2 or a third party plugin or behavior - please report it to the developer. Subsequent errors will be logged to the console.

    what would be the right export settings ?


  • gorgonzola

    It should work with default settings, unless they've changed somehow. the error in question relates to checking for model materials, it's an oversight on my part (it expects them to be there) so if you export with materials it should fix it.

  • nodewebkit is supported but the events for that capx don't do the right thing for the different window size. It's just the expressions for that file that are likely wrong, not the plugin itself. I wrote it for webpages so something funny is happening in NW that could easily be fixed.

    no idea what you mean about the physics example.


    Here is the capx. with the physics problem, basically when i try apply force to left and right (by left and right i mean left and right of camera view, not layer) , doesn't move to left and right but jumps up and down, as it is in normal 2d, i wander is it because the camera is in 3d but the movement of the ball is stuck in 2d? up and down for 2d will be up and down left and right will be left and right , but in this plane left and right are up and down, and up and down well its left and right.... .. . if that makes any sense for u , if you open the capx you will see instantly the problem... . i beg you can u fix this for me please?pleaseeee

    i removed the unnecesary objects it was in the 2dphysics and changed the camera position and rotation only, added the keyboard movement from the animation morph , without the morph controls but thats more for animation right? if its not please add it for me ? not sure how to use it

  • ok so i found the left and right movement, now because of the plane being in 3d, i have to alter the balls Z position positive is left negative is right, the problem is how to i add physics torque towards that angle? :O???? and if i try apply force towards position i dont have a Z position value to imput (this physics is the c2 official plugin) , now if i wold calculate the z position how can i get the z position of mouse? mhmmm

  • These arent Q3D questions, theyre about 3D math and camera transforms. Read up on how these things work. If you rotate the camera or move it around, the xy axis in 3D obviously dont line up with the xy coordinates of your mouse on screen because of the rotated view. You can use the viewport to project a ray.

  • thanks for the posts, i found the coordonates i was looking like u said with q3draycaster learning 1 step at a time ....i tried with the angle(ball.x,ball.z,q3draycaster.x,q3draycaster.z) but it doesnt move towards my mouse... flys in air for some reason, and i doing it right? should i add " *math.pi/180? or /4?

  • it's pretty much impossible for me to debug something like this blindly. i don't know what you mean by x and z position, the point the ray-caster intersects in a collision test is returned using expressions, not .x, or .y or .z, i forget the exact name but if you look at the descriptions it should indicate what does what . Again this seem more like a linear algebra question, it's not really Q3D's job to work out the math for those things, but i might include helper functions to make it easier for novices in the future.

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  • that will be helpfull , by x,y,z i just used the position where q3draycaster is coliding with the floor. so i just tooked the x..y.z coordonates, has the rNz pnZ but they a bit offset only the normal events as they look in actions. and variable for c2 i can use them, and yes its a algebra question basically... but not sure the ball isnt moving properly cause i did the angle calculation the right way... something its not letting it move left and right... even though i can move it if i change the ball.z coordonate . but when i try to roll it something stops it ... like an invisible collider box or smth... i did stretched the floor from physicsexample.. so im guessing its creating some problems there... here is the capx.. maybe thats the issue.... the weirdest part that i encounter so far for the movement and as reaction is the blocking invisible thing,... if is any... and also there was a a issue with the 0 origin point... it moves.... but then the origin point isnt in the middle of the sphere but on face of diffuse map not sure if that makes any sense, i currently need alot of sleep.... going on 36 hrs straight... thanks alot for the tips they where verry helpfull

  • Im writing a custom oimo.js physics port, theres actually no such thing as "three.js physics". You should study the examples more carefully, everything you need should be there.

  • Hi, just bought your plug-in, great stuff

    everything works fine in preview but once online I got this error:

    Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function

    c2runtime.js:253 Z

    c2runtime.js:91 b.Ag

    c2runtime.js:75 b.qq.je.h.onload

    this is from one of your example capx Lights & Geometry using Q3D Master (Solar System example)

    I just export in html5 format as is

    again work perfect in preview, but once online the error appear

    edit: it seem that the error occur only when using the minify script option at export time, when I turn it off , everything fine

  • yes c2 has a problem with minifiscript, and also png compression when u export try exporting as clean as possible

  • Hi, just bought your plug-in, great stuff

    everything works fine in preview but once online I got this error:

    Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function

    c2runtime.js:253 Z

    c2runtime.js:91 b.Ag

    c2runtime.js:75 b.qq.je.h.onload

    this is from one of your example capx Lights & Geometry using Q3D Master (Solar System example)

    I just export in html5 format as is

    again work perfect in preview, but once online the error appear

    edit: it seem that the error occur only when using the minify script option at export time, when I turn it off , everything fine

    It's an error with the current version of the plugin (well it's due to an error in C2), the next update to come out will have it fixed using a workaround. It's due to a strange bug with construct 2's handling of inline java-script comments. If you absolutely need to export right now, the only way to fix it would be to clean all the comments out of the Q3D plugins runtime files yourself (can be done quickly with various online js beautifier/minifier tools).

  • Thank you, I'm in no rush right now; I can wait for an update. I'm more busy at keeping my head cold, thinking of all I can do with your nice work!

  • Thank you, I'm in no rush right now; I can wait for an update. I'm more busy at keeping my head cold, thinking of all I can do with your nice work!

    It's a bit off topic but i just have to say it,

    you cant believe, what big FACT you just bring'd to the reality, i cant see another game engine that can satisfy me more then c2, and with this plugin and many others like it, its just better and better, i love all about what is scirra community some bad , some good, but man... when u see people gathered to do 1 thing, and the devotions that some people have(Q3D Plugin, developer ) its incredible, this isn't a work to be done easy, its tedious, its hours and hours , of brain work. ... . . and in end for 30 CAD? its underpricing, and its awesome i love it cause it can bring my full ideas to reality now , 2d/3d/2.5 isometric anything i can think of, ) )

  • alexandrell77a

    Your kind words are very appreciated! seeing stuff like this puts a smile on my face, and especially seeing people sign up on the forum only to post in my thread ). I feel bad that documentation is lacking right now especially because of all those features i've put in that nobody realizes are there / or understands how to fully use, but it'll be the next thing I work on after bones & physics. Again thank you for buying the plugin and being patient with the development! And if there are minor feature requests people have I do my best to meet their needs (within whats feasible for me as the sole developer of this plugin).

    Also if anyone's interested, I'm co-developer of the roguelike platformer TowerClimb made in Construct Classic, kind of a shameless plug but it's some of my earlier work .

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