Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

From the Asset Store
Template for a basketball game with a 3D aspect (illusion of 3D)
  • Q3D can't really do what that example does in an EASY way. The only way would be to write a custom vertex shader (this is not something Q3D trivializes, you'd need to be pretty good at javascript and GLSL and know how three.js/Q3D work).

    You could of course just import a model of terrain though if you want static terrain, or use morph animation to fake the wobbliness. Getting collisions to work would be a whole other story too.

  • If anyone else is having a problem downloading the plugin after buying, check your spam folder...

    Gmail sent mine to spam.

  • QuaziGNRLnose ... just wanted to leave this one here in case you did not know about it... on r227 x64 Error Image

    happens both on chrome and nwjs and pretty sure firefox also.. its some code line in the plugin i guess... cheers

    and some random giffy Work in Progress

  • Q3D isn't tested in r227. Also that doesn't tell me which actions caused the crash, it's almost useless to me in fixing the problem.

  • admin can remove this

  • techjunkie

    Please don't edit your old post to hide that you're asking the same thing again when I didn't answer. You need to learn some basic physics/dynamics and trigonometry or else you'll have far too many questions to move forward. The questions you're asking aren't even clear/don't make much sense, but a little bit of research on forces and vector math would give you the answers you're looking for.

  • OK Sorry about that, I have been researching and reading and learning as I go on physics forces and vector, its slow process. I am not hidding anything I was just trying to reword it so I its understandable as I was tired kinda and got mixed up trying to word and my limited understanding on the subject so it and felt it was hard to read after relooking at it. I am new to this and finding your Oimo physics plugin a challange with out any examples to show me like the built in physics. Since I paid for this if you could just provide me a small example like the quake movement on how to use your oimo force and torque that it does really all work and thats should help me a great deal in moving forward with my project as I have no more physics issues to resolve and I wont ask you any more questions .


    Please don't edit your old post to hide that you're asking the same thing again when I didn't answer. You need to learn some basic physics/dynamics and trigonometry or else you'll have far too many questions to move forward. The questions you're asking aren't even clear/don't make much sense, but a little bit of research on forces and vector math would give you the answers what I have beenyou're looking for.

  • techjunkie

    You aren't differentiating between forces and torques and aren't thinking in vectors/components. I'm not here to be a teacher, the oimo physics actions/forces/torques are no different than those you'd find in any other 3D physics engine. To use a physics engine you need to actually understand what directing a force means.

    Anyway, i can't upload a cap because im using a newer unreleased version of the plugin atm, but heres how you could modify the morph demo to use oimo:


    Make sure you turn "prevent rotation" on for the character physics. (the properties i used are the ones for "Q3DModel") that you can see.

  • ok thanks, ya that fixed my issue and I learned somthing.


    You aren't differentiating between forces and torques and aren't thinking in vectors/components. I'm not here to be a teacher, the oimo physics actions/forces/torques are no different than those you'd find in any other 3D physics engine. To use a physics engine you need to actually understand what directing a force means.

    Anyway, i can't upload a cap because im using a newer unreleased version of the plugin atm, but heres how you could modify the morph demo to use oimo:


    Make sure you turn "prevent rotation" on for the character physics. (the properties i used are the ones for "Q3DModel") that you can see.

  • Work in Cordova, Android? (intel xdk)

  • TiagoCesar

    For some reason i can't get it to run with cordova, but i'm not very experienced with it. Im not sure if any users have had luck getting it to run. It certainly should work (and indeed i can get the renderer to run with internally generated geometry) but something is messing up and external models wont load.

  • I tested my q3d project in intel XDK last month , I can get the web, emulation, app preview and usb direct connect working , but if I use the apk I built in XDK it runs, none of my 3d models show up, but everything else does and is functional. So somthing is being changed in the apk package inrelation to 3d models. I am going to try and set some debugs so I can see them when I run the apk and examine the 3d files when I get time this week.

    So all my test projects the apk tests have failed on intel XDK developer app and Cocoon developer app Cordova, that worked ok on the intel xdk developer apps and usb and the raw html/js file.

    And all my runtime errors in the debug consoles points directly to the q3d code in c2runtime.js , if I removed all q3d it loads ok.

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  • Are there any new updates coming out this year for Q3D?

  • QuaziGNRLnose, Is there anyway I can apply blur shader on the Q3DModel? Pls let me know. thanks!

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