[Plugins] Construct2&3 Cordova Plugins

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  • this is what i explained, it's not working, see all the process: (inside intelxdk i added your facebook plugin also)

    with or without the plugin inside intel xdk its the SAME error


  • OK solved that part, i removed the facebook plugin from intelxdk,

    i changed the default code by

    <intelxdk:plugin intelxdk:name="cordova-plugin-share-facebook"
    intelxdk:id ="cranberrygame/cordova-plugin-share-facebook">
    <intelxdk:param intelxdk:name="APP_ID" intelxdk:value="1515501922106379"/>
    <intelxdk:param intelxdk:name="APP_NAME" intelxdk:value="Tooth Runner Saga"/>
    and now, i have no more error, im downloading the apk....let's see...
  • well he does something, but only for 1s i see a black screen loading and then it disapear...

    im not sure about all my cordova facebook events, what are the differents actions/events to put in place???

    actually have this

  • when i add your cordova plugin "landscape", "splashscreen", after that my app dont work anymore, impossible to use the "tap" and "touch" functions of construct 2 under Android !!!!!

    i removed that from my app and now my app work again, it think some of your plugins are making some conflicts with construct 2.

    ALSO watch this error message, it happens after i installed all your plugins, THIS is the only one who crash construct 2 everytime.

  • Hello cranberrygame

    Have you noticed that when you use the Cranberrygame Video Ads-plugins (does not matter which one, Unity Ads, Vungle, Chartboost etc.) After ads playing Construct 2 game lost all of the sounds? Sound effects etc. Or the sounds go to distortion. At least it does on iOS. Tested on iPhone 5, iPhone 6 and iPad. Exporting with Intel XDK, Cocoon.io and PhoneGap.

    It is the video-plugins bug or Construct 2 bug or Cordova bug or HTML5+iOS incompatibility? Any ideas how to fix this? Difficult to use Video Ads plugins if after the ads playing all sounds disappears/distorted.

  • For those who want ot discuss with the developer, go here:


    and here are all the plugins tutorials:


  • cranberrygame

    Please, notice my feedback.

    It’s a real problem. Do the test on your own devices (apple) and you will find the same bug.

    Just add some sound effects in C2 "Sounds" folder / export project with Intel XDK or Cocoon.io or Phonegap / put application on your Apple device and look (listen) what happens to your sound effects after the VIDEO ads has been displayed. Thanks.

    p.s. I did the test with my own game project BUT also with your example (example_cordovaunityads_advanced_my id_testapp_test mode.capx) (example_cordovavungle_advanced_requires id_testapp.capx) (example_cordovachartboost_advanced_requires id_sample app id.capx) projects. The results are the same.

  • cranberrygame

    Please, notice my feedback.

    It’s a real problem. Do the test on your own devices (apple) and you will find the same bug.

    Just add some sound effects in C2 "Sounds" folder / export project with Intel XDK or Cocoon.io or Phonegap / put application on your Apple device and look (listen) what happens to your sound effects after the VIDEO ads has been displayed. Thanks.

    p.s. I did the test with my own game project BUT also with your example (example_cordovaunityads_advanced_my id_testapp_test mode.capx) (example_cordovavungle_advanced_requires id_testapp.capx) (example_cordovachartboost_advanced_requires id_sample app id.capx) projects. The results are the same.

    add "Mute' to event video ads shown,and unmute to video hide. it 'll solve weird sound problem.

  • mickeyboy It does not work. I have tried.

    But if you are 100% sure, put me your example.capx and i will test it on my devices. I'm pretty sure that it will not work properly on iOS. Anyway, Thanks for your comment.

  • Is anyone able to build your game using Cordova Unity Ads plugin?






    Are you using a blank template or importing the C2 exported folder?

    What version of Cordova CLI are you using?

    How does your "intelxdk.config.additions.xml" look like or you don't use that file anymore?

    Are you using this version: "cranberrygame_CordovaUnityAds_1.0.3.zip"?

    I'm using Intel XDK 2727

    Intel XDK show this:

    /Developer/android-sdk-linux/tools/ant/build.xml:601: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    /Developer/android-sdk-linux/tools/ant/build.xml:653: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    /Developer/android-sdk-linux/tools/ant/build.xml:659: .../Unity/cordova-plugin-ad-unityadssdk/android/src does not exist.
    Total time: 1 second
                        throw e;
    Error code 1 for command: ant with args: release,-f,.../Unity/build.xml[/code:9pi1c2y2]
    Please help, thanks a lot!
  • Already using some of these. Totally worth it. But i still concerned about updates (both C2 engine or Cordova integration).

  • Iolva

    Use Vungle or Chartboost. About Unity ads, read this: "https://plus.google.com/+CalebGarner"

    But each of them has a sound problem on iOS. No can do.

  • PLUGIN: PhonegapGame_1.0.65


    This plugin is not working with Intel XDK 2727 (Crosswalk Build).

    Follow your tutorial, and someone else, but the problem remains.


    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/4864/h ... mes-plugin


    The build failed.

    An error occurred while building the application. Verify your build assets are correct and try again.

    Build Log:

    Error: Plugin https://github.com/cranberrygame/cordova-plugin-game failed to install.

  • derikvlog

    specify what you are using ?

    cli 4.1.2 or cli 5.1.1 ? and to add plugins you use plugins manager or addition.xml ?

    the answers to these questions are the key to solve your problem

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hello all,

    I recently bought this package.

    Bug report november 2015:

    Blank project C2 Release 216

    Compiled with Cordova CLI platform Android

    Tested on mobile/tablet android 4.2.*

    -> Parse Push Notification

    The app crashes when the Push is sending or when we touch the notification or when we do nothing...

    -> Revmob plugin video

    The rewarded video is not launching, even with the demo download on http://cranberrygame.github.io/

    (and the button in C2 are invisible!)

    Finally, I was surprised when I discovered the mention in all C2 plugin monetization:

    "If no license key, 2% ad traffic share for dev support."

    "You can get paid license key: https://cranberrygame.github.io/request ... icense_key"

    I had never saw it before I buy the plugin...

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