First of all, congratulation Thehen for your Windows Phone plugin!
I've downloaded it but i don't know where to install it. Inside the zip file there is 4 folders: Example, Plugin, Project and Windows Phone Plugin, and Inside this last one there is another 3 folders: Example, Plugin, Project. I really don't know where to put all this folders, sry...
I know the path must be inside the Construct 2 folder>Exporters>HTML 5>Plugin, so I've tried to place all the files there but when startig C2 it gives me an error. Probably it should be placed on different locations (duh!)
Would someone mind to explain me where should i place each of these folders, please? I've read the 'Windows Phone Games with Construct 2" tutorial, but as i don't know how to make it work, i couldn't follow it.
Thanks in advance!