Debug panel
Currently, user may dump debug message on a text object. This plugin can dump message on a pop-up window.
The browser will block the pop-up window, so you need to unlock the blocking first.
(Log Text & Objects to Chrome Console is another debug tool provided by wgfunstorm.)
Debug panel now provide two parts
1. the upper table is a watch table to show name - value pair.
"action:Update watch variable" is to update the watch table.
2. a logger to print messages.
"action:Append a log message" is to append a message in logger.
"action:Append an error message" is to append a red message in logger.
Press "F2" key to pop-up debug panel. "action:Set pop-up key" can customize it.
There are some properties in editor.
1. Enable
- when Enable = No, debug panel will never be created. Remember set to "No" when release.
2. Activated
- when Activated = No, deubug panel will not be created at start of layout. User can use "action:Set activated" or "action:Append an error message" to create debug panel latter.
3. Stay on top
- when Stay on top = Yes. Debug panel will set focus each tick to keep on top, except on chrome browser.
4. Log buffer length
- The logger will only keep the last n messages. Set 0 to keep all messages.rexrainbow2013-02-12 16:56:34