kirkthejerk's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • I'm trying this plugin with R76, and whenever I try update a watch variable or log a message, my game freezes permanently. Am I doing something wrong?

  • Okay, check out this capx

    I don't know how I did it, but one of the arrays (BrokenArray) doesn't have any instance variables or properties. And it's listed under Objects, but not under "All Layout 1 Objects". And that's the array that is gimpy.

    Maybe I don't understand something about object scope or something...?

  • Hi, I'm Kirk, from Vancouver Canada. I started programming little games and things at age 10, using tools nowhere as civilized or sophisticated as Construct.

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  • Yeah, I dumbed down my example a bit. I've got multiple layouts and multiple event sheets and stuff like that -- maybe the problem is somewhere there.

    I'll try simplify and repro the issue tonite, and check out your capx.


  • -I have a Array object (Foo) under my 'object types' that is set to 'Global: yes'

    -I have an event that sets the size of Foo to (5,5,1)

    -I have an "for each XY element" condition whose action for Foo is to set value at (Foo.CurX, Foo.CurY) to 7

    When I check my values (by updating text every tick), it says that Foo.Width is zero and Foo(3,3) is 0. Width should be 5, and the value of any cell should be 7.

    What am I doing wrong? I don't need to create an instance of my array, do I?

  • Yup, Anchor did the trick. Thanks!

  • For the Beginner's guide to Construct 2 tutorial, if I change the project properties from "fullscreen: off" to "fullscreen (scale)", I don't see the score text anymore. How do I fix that?

  • Okay, here's what I've done:

    1. I used the jeep sprites from the 'battlefield' sprite pack to create a Jeep object with animations for moving up, down, left, right, etc.

    2. I assigned 8-direction movement to the Jeep.

    3. I created keypress events so that pressing up/down/left/right would set the right animation.

    My problem is that whenever you move, the sprite rotates. But since the animations are already "pre-rotated", you end up with a very wrong sprite (like the 'up' animation rotated on its side).

    What's the best way to fix this? I can't find an elegant way to disable rotation. Should I just set a per-frame event to force the Jeep's angle to zero? Or would that screw up other things (like created bullets would inherit angle zero too, regardless of the direction we're going)?

  • 8 posts