Issue submitted
Today, I will spend most of the time trying new ways to export it. Removing things, adding things, and seeing if I can pinpoint what causes it to crash / hang.
UPDATE: managed to launch my game via a specific Linux build! It WORKS!
Here is what I did:
0) Download Greenworks addon for Construct 3, install it and put Greenworks object in your project Object types.
1) Make a build via NW.js exporter. Choose NW.js version v0.71.0 (Chromium 108), Linux64 as a target platform. Options on: Package assets, Compress final zip, Resizable window, Ignore GPU blacklist, Export for Steam (everything else - Window frame, Kiosk mode, Enable DevTools - off). Command line options - nothing.
2) Unpack the .zip build using WinRAR.
3) Download the Steam SDK 1.50 from here:
4) Copy the from "sdk/redistributable_bin/linux64"
5) Copy the from the "sdk/public/steam/lib/linux64"
6) Create steam_appid.txt file and put your Steam application number in it (only the number, nothing else)
7) Put all three files in the main build folder (near lib, locales and swiftshader folder). I did not figure out if and need to go in the main build folder or in the "lib" folder, so I've put all three files in the "lib" folder of the build as well - just to be sure the files will be found by the game.
8) Make a new .zip file of the main game folder (not the upper-folder itself, but all the lib, locales and swiftshader folders and files to be on top of the zip archive)
9) Upload it to Steam. You may use a beta-branch for testing - it doesn't matter, just don't forget to enter your beta-code and use the correct branch if you're using your other branch.
10) In SteamWorks site go to App Admin > General Installation Settings. Make TWO different launch options - one for Windows (Executable ending with ".exe", Operating System > Windows), and a separate one for Linux + Steam OS (no file type there - only the game name, needs to be the same as the game name file in the game build folder).
11) In SteamWorks site go to App Admin > Application > General and tick "Supported Operating Systems" on both Windows AND Linux + Steam OS.
12) Don't forget to publish all the changes and delete your previous downloaded builds if you tested any. And do that every time you try and change anything.
If you have any additional questions - write to me, and I can check again all my steps again and maybe help to find out why it's working on my game and not yours.