NW.js build is no longer working with steam://openurl/ links?

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  • Hi,

    I'm having an issue with browser plug-in. Previously I've used it to open several different links for the user at the end of my demo - to a questionaire of how players liked the Demo, and to Steam Store Page (so they can wishlist the game right away).

    There is an interesting feature though: if you use simple http:// address, Construct 3 will open this link via a default user browser. However, if you use a link into steam application - like this one:


    then the browser will ask the user if he wants to open the link in his steam directly, which was very comfortable and useful. But in some recent updates "steam://..." links stopped working in NW.js build. They do still work in Construct 3 though. Maybe someone knows a way to fix this? Thanks

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