Maybe I misunderstood your request, but I thought that it was your initial need. Beeing able to set a fixed layout to start in, from any other layout.
Just to clarify, in the project setting at the START section you can set FIRST LAYOUT to the layout you want to start the game in, then you set Preview Project as standard button.
But as I say, I maybe misunderstood it all.
But with the new feature to change the what preview button will do, you change to Preview Project instead of Preview Layout and then in project you select the main layout.
What ever layout you are in when clicking the preview button, will start the one you selected as main.
I like the game. Nice animation on the character and it is fun.
I agree on the learning curve, once you get hang of it, (especially the wall jump part) you get better score fast.
You know the at the moment you can freeze the character by pressing the opposite arrow key from the moment direction, and it also possible to control the landing curve the same way, the character drop strait down instead of follow the curve. I don't think you can use to any advantage though.
Nice game and I almost got 32, 30 is my highest score!
Member since 29 Dec, 2020