I have been Reading forums in scirra and Intel XDK official page. I found one solution there and one by myself.
First, this problem seems to be caused mostly in iOS 10 devices, principally because the app is crashing due the WKview use.
There is the option shown in the XDK fórum:
Replace the line
1 this.isWKWebView = !!(this.isiOS && this.isCordova && window.indexedDB);
1 this.isWKWebView = false;
in c2runtime.js solved my black screen issue on iOS 10 devices
The option I found (and actually will keep it since it actually allow using the WKWebview (which increase performance)) is:
Just add the plugin "cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine". It is actually in the Core plugins section.
Both worked for me, And I hope they will do it for you too.