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  • Thanks for your advice, I should give it a try!

    I'm still looking for a solution or answer about the path finding issue I mentioned.

    If anyone have some experience with this it will be great?

  • Hey All,

    So I'm trying to think what way should I use for a basic character movement for a Point & Click Adventure style game. something like the good old 90's games such as:

    "King's Quest", "Gobliiins", "Monkey Island" and many others...

    If you ever play one of those, you know that Path Finding is the BEST solution for such game-engine because you don't want to lead the player with multiple clicks to get to a specific place on the stage (mostly background art with invisible obstacles).

    My very first rough test:

    So the first thing I tried is the Pathfinding behaviour but it seems like it's "thinking" before it acts, maybe the calculation takes time or maybe I need to play with the settings to make it react right away?

    BTW - I just used a 64x64 cube as the mask / collider of the player for the test, nothing fancy.

    As I'm very new to construct I will be happy to get some advice, maybe even visual examples since I'm not an expert in the code yet.

    My Goal is Simple:

    I want the Player to go to ANYWHERE on the sage (map) as soon as I click without stop, thinking, no slowing down or accelerating, just very simple like the good old Amiga / Dos adventure games, you click... the Player goes to that point and take action if needed with the correct mouse sign (Walk, Talk, Speak, Use etc..)

    I'll probably make it very visual and simple but I still need some Construct experts to tell me if I should use the Pathfinidng behaviour and do some SPECIFIC changes so it won't run slow as soon as I click. or maybe a different way? plugin?

    Sorry for my bad English,

    Thanks ahead for your help and have a wonderful day!

  • But it keeps uploading it to I'm confused...

    Can't Construct 3 NOT upload my preview to Scirra's host like it used to be in Construct 2 ? (local from my machine).

    If I remember correctly in Construct 2 I could use my own local IP or something, It didn't upload to Scirra's host.

    Sorry for the confusion, I just want to preview it without uploading but can't find a way to do so.

  • Thanks Ashley,

    About 3... not sure I understood.

    How do I setup it to use my local Lan? I don't see any option on the properties, or maybe I missed it?

    it is using the Internet by default but I don't want it to use Scirra's preview website.

  • Hey All,

    I'm testing my "game" as I'm very new to Construct 3 and learning as I go. I'm using the Desktop Build (latest beta for now 88.3 if it helps).

    I wanted to test the Remote Preview on other devices out of curiosity so I added some basic touch buttons and everything was easy and fast to setup for this test.

    [quote:3sdhvere]On start of layout | Browser | Request fullscreen - Center


    . I set the game view to Landscape by default, not sure how to lock it to stay ONLY landscape ?

    I also did Full Screen by default as soon as the game start, on my nw.js it works like a charm with nice full screen.

    But when I test it using the Remote Preview using chrome the top Address Bar is still there...


    . What do I need to insert on the event sheet to get rid of it? I want a full screen with no browser UI on the way so I can get to see my full 16:9 ratio game all over the screen.


    . If I understood, Remote Preview in C3 always uploads to preview.construct ?

    or there is some way I can host it and share on my own local network?

    I hope that someone can help me with these questions, Thanks ahead and sorry about my bad English.

  • Thank you this information is very helpful, I should mess around and do some experiments.

  • Please make sure any issues are filed here to ensure they are investigated:

    As requested, I did my best


    , I hope it helps.

  • Hey All,

    I'm curious about few things related to a Layout but I'm not sure how Construct works with it and if it will be fine or maybe too much to handle: Memory, CPU, loading time etc..

    I'll try to describe it in general:

    Imagine a game from right to left, if it's a platformer (Mario Bros.), fighting game arcade (Final Fight / Streets of Rage etc..) or a spaceship (R-Type) in general scrolling from right to left with the camera.

    So, for a simple spaceship for example, I'm aware to the option of "faking" the unlimited scrolling using background wrapping in a loop, stars, etc.. while the layout could be on the same size.

    But that's not what I'm looking for or asking about, I had to give these examples to be clear.

    I imagine that the more sprites on the layout the bigger the file size and the loading, but I do have more questions:

    My questions related to this subject are:


    . How big can I make the layout, wide / height, am I limited by Construct to a maximum size of the layout?


    . Will a HUGE layout take much memory even if objects does not appear on the screen yet (unless they reveal to the camera / viewport? or as long as they sit on the layout they will use the memory?


    . Did anyone have an experience with making a really long scroll-game and have issues?


    . What if the layout is very long while the viewport of the game is 1920x1080 (Full-HD) will it slow down the game / fps ? (I'm aware that I can use 16:9 lower resolution and stretch but I'm curious how it will work).

    All my questions are directed using NW.js or for PC .exe in general as I'm more interested,

    but if you also have answers related to Android I'll be happy to learn about the limits as well.

    Thanks ahead and sorry about my bad English.

  • In the stable build I noticed that

    • when I load my game my properties, layers, and project windows all seem to be the small default sizes

    • it starts windowed, doesn't remember that I ran it as maximized

    anyone else had that issue, or is that fixed in the beta release version?

    Yes, it happens also on the latest Beta build:

    The main window starts on the middle screen, not maximized and the side panels are tiny.

    It doesn't remember the window size and all panels from last closed session.

  • Thanks Ashley that's great, I'll grab the Beta version!

    I hope to see split-screen support feature in the future it will be great.


    I just sent an email to You and Tom (it can be VERY helpful for Construct3), I hope that you'll read it on your spare time.

    Keep up the good job!

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  • The preview in the desktop build is already an NW.js preview.

    That's good to know Ashley! I like NW.js a lot.

    What about my other questions related to full screen on Preview?

    Thanks ahead!

  • Hey All,

    I'm trying to get used to Construct 3 for the first time (full version).

    To be honest, After trying for few days I don't like the browser version at all, but I LOVE the desktop build a lot and that's what I'm using.

    In construct 2, I setup my default preview and export to NW.js because that's my favorite and I'm interested in .exe at the end:

    I don't know how to change the default preview on Construct 3 to NW.js

    Unfortunately, I could only Export, that's was a VERY slow process for a minimal 1 layout and also needed to download when done, nope, didn't like it compare to the speed of how it was on Construct 2.

    Another thing, Full Screen Issues.

    I didn't know how to start the game on full screen like I did in Construct 2 so I skipped that for now.

    Also, in the future I will add toggle Full Screen on/off on the main menu.

    Questions related to my issues:


    - How do I setup that all my Construct 3 projects will run NW.js Preview (Dekstop Build) like in C2 ?

    For sake of fast testing, I made that, when pressing F11 it will go Full Screen.

    In C2 it works like charm (I tried the Browser and NW.js objects), but in Construct 3 it ignores Full Screen... only works on export:


    - How do I test Full Screen without re-exporting every time right in NW.js Preview ? (like in C2)


    - Not sure if this feature is there or not but, How do I split the screen for the same layout?

    Split in 2 or even 4 (for 2 - 4 Players game)

    I must mention that I'm new to Construct so my questions may sound very basic or even stupid,

    I hope that the community will help me learn new things as I'm making my first game and will have some more questions on my journey.

    Thanks ahead and Sorry about my bad English.

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