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  • I believe that the last (4th) number is for the Alpha channel which I don't want it to be under it's 100% (none transparent) since I need the alpha channel available as an extra parameter that I will actually tweak later on.

    I wonder if it's possible at all with the canvas object, because for now the gradient looks unbalanced as I showed in the examples above...

  • Thanks rokstars322 I had a feeling I did something wrong with the numbers, oops! :)

    I need to remember that it's 100 max instead of 255 like in true 24bit/32bit colors for post production video and digital graphic software.

    You're right it does look weird... it doesn't fill the area correct from start to end like it should:

    Hard for me to describe but it looks like it's unbalanced, the 50% middle point seems like it's WIDER or stretched in a way instead of well balanced from black to white:

    Ashley is there a way to get a more accurate Black to White gradient in C3 using the Drawing Canvas Object?

  • This post became VERY interesting thanks to all your different approaches and solutions! :)

    Sorry for this long post, I hope that some of you may find this interesting:

    Since I'm not a programmer, but I am a professional animator (my day job) and have years of experience with post production, my simple-brain wanted to try the same way I use when I work on a post production stage for a video.

    It's called "color grading" and it can get much more complex than what I tried here, but I think this will make my original goal (2 points gradient covers the layout) a bit more interesting with my approach joins to the party.


    Basically in video post production we start with a simple "canvas" to do a color grading over specific group of layers by adding an adjustment layer on top and placing the needed effects over it (so you can dynamically change it at any time during production) and THIS is what I tried to SHOW on this file, based on the first file by noah since it was the most simple for me to look at.


    I call this "FAKE GRADIENT" because it is probably NOT how an actual programmer will do this, also I'm not interested using the SPRITE Gradient way on a FULL canvas, because it will add extra space "size" to the saved file project for the user, also since it's already built-in and can be used with the Drawing Canvas with more Dynamic way to manipulate it using true-colors instead of a sprite.


    As you can see, on the MIDDLE this is what I FAILED to achieve, covering the FULL area with gradient.

    on the RIGHT is I show how it SHOULD look like but I played with the numbers on the Drawing Canvas Gradient and couldn't get to the same result...

    I wonder if anyone can have a look and make the MIDDLE drawing canvas to look more like the RIGHT one because I believe that I can't get the covering numbers right...

    The final goal is to cover FULL LAYOUT SIZE with the canvas + gradient and not just a tiny cube which makes the quality looks smooth and amazing... color grading with less than 32bit true color covers a full screen may look REALLY BAD that's why I mention this.

    Play around with the color wheel, and look at the Middle and the Right examples to see what I mean:

    DOWNLOAD - Color Grading Project

    I'm curious to see this "Fake" way works on the drawing canvas without a SPRITE gradient!

    please feel free to share your versions :)

  • I'm not sure if possible or how exactly but is it much more complicated to make gradient based on 2 selected colors? same concept of the above wheel examples by: noah and rokstars322

    I would like to make a sprite in the size of the layout so it will be possible to make a gradient from 2 colors for example from White to Black will make it smooth gradient in between.

    I did some tests with just canvas 2 color gradient but the result always looked weird (the gradient was like 5th of the screen instead of exactly half white and half black (gray in-between of course) more like in photoshop, it was so confusing to me that I didn't even try to think about the color wheel code example hehe :D

  • Thanks for sharing rokstars322 :)

    I'll play around with your version soon!

  • Alon

    You can make what you want using the Drawing Canvas

    Try this:

    This is really cool noah :) thanks for sharing.

    I need to play with it and see if I can implement this to my project!

    I think I'll try to paste the "Selected Color" when exporting but I need to UN-Paste it after exporting somehow (so it won't stay on the background for good since my default will be an Empty Frame (transparent).

  • Dear Noncentz705 Any chance you will port this amazing addon to C3?

  • I just posted a request, hopefully someone will consider to do that one day.

    In the meanwhile, I'll just try to think of other (simple enough for my level) solutions to do. :)

  • Can someone please port this color picker addon for C3 ?

    C2 color picker Addon[/url Thanks ahead!

  • C2 plugin:

    (working download link in comments)

    Maybe you can find someone who can port it to C3.

    Yeah... unfortunately it's not a built-in feature in C3 yet. :(

    I thought about alternatives way but they are very complex for me to do (not for my level), I thought about using the sliders with HSL but it's not what I look for, I want a simple picker / chooser.

    I'm now playing with the "ReplaceColor" effect for the first time, using a Sprite starting with a WHITE color as source, but again.. changing it using a slider is not what I want to do and making a picker is something I don't believe I understand exactly how to do base on color image, a true color-picker would be REALLY nice... but I guess there is no plan for useful features like this anytime soon.

  • Hi All,

    Is there a plugin for that out there? even non-official will do the job as long as it works.

    I would like to add a color gradient for the user to CLICK to apply the specific color to the canvas in real-time. for example:

    Thanks ahead!


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  • So, is saving works fine now?

    You can find out how many objects you need to add for the file size to reach 1Mb, I think a lot. And probably nothing awful will happen, but the file may take a bit longer to save - there will be a delay before "Save as" dialog appears.

    Yes for the current test I can pretty much add many more objects without the weird hidden-saving-window problem (btw it never appeared before, even if I wait 10 minutes) it just... wasn't there but ANYWAY that's a HUGE progress, THANK YOU SO MUCH Sensei Dop! :)

    Just to be sure I'll keep on testing, tweaking more things instead of just placing objects over the screen while one eye on the other screen with the console open.

    Maybe I should somehow... LOCK any mouse interactivity while saving and put some "SAVING... Please Wait " message on the screen.

    I'm not sure how to LOCK all the mouse interactions or WHERE to insert such event, but do you think this idea could be useful or just waste of time / cosmetics, your opinion matters a lot! (I'm not just asking).

    I'll keep updating if I'll find out something weird.. who knows, that's why I must test before I proceed.

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