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  • java, c#, c++ and so on... i know. i'm working everyday with c#, and no you are wrong, it's pretty hard to create inheritance in current event system, actually impossible.

    or multiple inheritances.. and so on..

    I said it was like inheritance of classes, but this are not classes, this are objects. Objects store local variables, this is just an other local variable (like x,y,angle, UID, father) it's not necesary to store sons, but to know who is my father is quite important, the rest can be done in code. It's like having a growing container...

    i mean, they already did a lot of stuff simil inheritance: iid, Spawn vs create are different, container, family, wrap, group... but why is not able to store who's spawning? to know if they are really my family or to avoid overlapping when spawned from the same source (imagine a building game, it's important to know if a brick is placed by the player, the IA or if it was created by system or self spawned (reproduction like cells))

  • You might take a look at other ways of picking, and new ways of filtering using the system "for each" or the picking conditions "pick by evaluate" etc.

    Remembering that picking smaller groups, then filtering to even smaller saves system resources.

    That's exactly the problem, all the "pick" options consider variables or conditions, but no one considers "where do i come from?" and in each collision with objects of the same type "are you related to me?".

    Hm. Could you not just give the objects a tier variable as well as the UID of it's father?

    A simple way if i could control UID.

    saiyadjin actually Java supports something like that but for classes, here the idea is to keep that track for objects and no, it's not hard, like the solution of tokinsom or using the array of spawn and creation (actually you can create that now in construct2 by hand using arrays, but it should be integrated since it have a thousand uses)

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  • maybe with this title is easier to understand

  • Why there is no hierarchy in construct2? It exist in almost every game engine i had being (starting in DIV GameStudio, father of game engines...).

    i mean, Why i can't point to my son? If i spawn an object, whatever it is (even if it is not in my "family" or "container") it becomes my son, so i should be able to point it. I know, i can do this by creating an instance variable and give to each spawned object the same "variable", but it doesn't work backwards, since maybe, i want my son to point to father or his father (his grandfather) that shouldn't have the same variable.


    In variables, is like creating a new empty array attached to every object, that array will save only the ID of their sons and each son will save his father and his own sons. Now if i want to know who's my brother, i go to my fathers array and check for his sons, also i can know who's my uncle by going to my fathers father and check his sons, etc...

    Family hierarchy is important for strategy games and also improves coding and memory a lot. Is good to create smart IAs or beautiful fractal effects (like the rain of variety of bullets and ships in a space shooting game).

    The main magnificent reason is that i will be able to make one object spawn his same object or thousand diferent objects, and will be easy to diference between who's spawining who, also it's easy to diference between colliding with my father or brothers if they spawn at the same tick.

    Let's think an example: Ogre spawn 5 ogres, those ogres spawn 2 ogres, and i don't want the grandsons to be further than X distance from his grandfather, but i want their fathers to be more free, also the grandfathers will move to his sons. At the same time, the 5 grandfathers are not related so they will fight each other but will not harm their own family and will not damage grandsons of anybody, but the grandsons may hurt their own brothers but not their fathers.

    Now this could be easly implemented with only 1 Object called Ogre, and a few lines of code if there is that hierarchy.

    Other example: i have 10 different bullets, i spawn 10 bullets of the same type, but i want those bullets to be destroy by bullets if they collide, so if i only check if i collide with bullets that are not my brothers (regardless what object it is, so i can spawn endless different objects that are bullets and avoid their self destruction). Also those bullets will be able to diference between my father and grandfather (for example a ship that shots a bullet that is diveded in more bullets and those bullets creating explosions, so that explosion can damage his own grandfather, but not his father or brothers)

  • im wondering if i can get acces to the plugin, im looking to implement exactly something like this for one of my games.

  • no luck with this one willypt?

  • Exactly, To do that, the car is made with many parts atached one to the other, so you actually see those parts forcin one with the other, with that i had the problem that a big racing car was hard to recreate using the limited resources in construct (computer resources, the game becomes too slow if i add too many parts with physics atached one to the other) so turned to boat or rocket kind car.

    Tthe difference is mainly where the forces are aplied, in a car the force comes from the front or the wheels, in a boat or a rocket it comes fron the center, any force in the laterals will make the "ship" turn and move.

    In cars rotate will be like having self torque in each wheel (like a 4x4 or Hummer) but again, a car is more solid, so the torque should be aplied 4 times (2x side), that's more computing, and it will be absurdly easy, so the ship will be able to do a 180º turn in a sec without problem even if a rock is hiting it from a side.-

    in a rocket the problem comes with stability, since the smallest push in the center will change his direction

    This time, it's stupidly hard, making the ship revolve crazy if an asteroid hits the center or the nose.

    At the beggining of the proyect, this game was rocket kind, but recently i realized that it was extremly hard to turn, so i added an invisible force in the oposite direction in the exact point in the other side (just like adjusting a screw)

    Now, for the gameplay sake, if i apply that theory in the right way, in the center of balance, i will need thousand parts to make it feel different from one ship to the other or limit it to some ships because the rest will be directly wrong.

    ¿how this can become an asteroids game, with constructing ships, tunning and at the same time har to master original controls?

    we'll see that in the next chapter xD...

  • you are welcome to ask! i wanted to create a devlog but i don't have much time.

    Exactly, the diffuclt part is to balance the mechanics of the game with my emotion and sensations objective.

    For example, i want to create the sensation of brutality and speed in the user controls, for that, i used a well known metod: the speed grip and camera movement.

    The user must use this grip to speedup the ship, higher means faster, if the grip is under the -5% of maximum speed it stops. This way, the user have total control of the ship but at the same time feels the streght of gravity since it fight against the force of gravity.

    There are a lot of work to adjust just that, the grip lever. I tryed a lot of different controls, from the most basic joystick, a complete smartphone sensors control, butons for instant speed and finally this one, that makes me feel just as i wanted, as flying a strong fast spaceship.

  • A more close view in the gameplay idea:

    Hi! my frist time publishing here my work in progress <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> since its not ready yet, ill just upload a few screenshots

    The graphics are made by me, Rokuro and the UI is done like a collashe using "custom loadscreen hd" and "The Device" all from

    The game is about armored mining BattleShips, simple but with some crazy controls that makes you feel being in the ship or at least controling it far away. Im focusing in the user experience right now, and is quite hard D: it took at least 4 months.

  • o i fixed the problem, actually there are some rules in the name of the product, all smallcaps, no spanish letters, avoid spaces and simbols, etc... with that it goes ok!

    an other thing, when somebody purchase something, it could take up to 48 hs to become active and some times the "Purchased" is not triggered, so is good to warn that and create a "restore purchases" every time the game starts.

  • besides the Humble Bundle, it could be cool if construct2 becomes part of the Indie Game Maker Contest

  • it still not working... it keeps showing the "authentication required".....

    .... i can't belive that the problem was Google. "Authentication Required" is for the ID of the product, not for the user -_-'' i had wrong ID in the game, when changed, it worked... If i get more info i'll share it.

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