Exactly, To do that, the car is made with many parts atached one to the other, so you actually see those parts forcin one with the other, with that i had the problem that a big racing car was hard to recreate using the limited resources in construct (computer resources, the game becomes too slow if i add too many parts with physics atached one to the other) so turned to boat or rocket kind car.
Tthe difference is mainly where the forces are aplied, in a car the force comes from the front or the wheels, in a boat or a rocket it comes fron the center, any force in the laterals will make the "ship" turn and move.
In cars rotate will be like having self torque in each wheel (like a 4x4 or Hummer) but again, a car is more solid, so the torque should be aplied 4 times (2x side), that's more computing, and it will be absurdly easy, so the ship will be able to do a 180º turn in a sec without problem even if a rock is hiting it from a side.-
in a rocket the problem comes with stability, since the smallest push in the center will change his direction
This time, it's stupidly hard, making the ship revolve crazy if an asteroid hits the center or the nose.
At the beggining of the proyect, this game was rocket kind, but recently i realized that it was extremly hard to turn, so i added an invisible force in the oposite direction in the exact point in the other side (just like adjusting a screw)
Now, for the gameplay sake, if i apply that theory in the right way, in the center of balance, i will need thousand parts to make it feel different from one ship to the other or limit it to some ships because the rest will be directly wrong.
¿how this can become an asteroids game, with constructing ships, tunning and at the same time har to master original controls?
we'll see that in the next chapter xD...