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  • The paster object doesn't achieve the desired effect, or you can't achieve the desired effect with it?

    I tried and it wasn't a problem, actually..

    Yes, LittleStain. Maybe, the true is the second option "I can't".

    Could you help with that please?

    Some instructions about it? I mean, It's a question about complex code, or this effect can be achieved with only settings in the paster plugin?

  • The paster plugin from R0j0hound is amazing, as usually, but it doesn't achieve the desired effect, or I cannot get it. One of the last posted "screenshots of you're worinkg on" (attached image) , shows this mirroring in the water, making possible (I supposed it) that every movement is been inverted on a logical way, for example, avoiding obstacles like in the real world the character would have done.

  • No, LittleStain. It take so much costs with all the elements in the visible world. Every enemy, every event, explosion, flying bird, etc, should take its own procedure in the internal code. Maybe Christina's post was a good solution, but I have no idea, because the capx are not available yet.

  • Meanwhile, I'll take a look for the R0j0hound plugin.

    I'll post my impressions about it.

    Thanks LittleStain.

  • I have been searching for some kind of help, but I wasn't able.

    I have seen some games made in Construct which uses this effect. It seems it's not neccesary using any third party plugin. But I don't know how.

    I mean, some kind of character is walking and jumping over a portion of earth at the beach, and all his movements are reflected on the water. All the actions that happen in the world are reflected on the liquid under it.

    Some light throw, please?

    Thank you, constructers.

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  • Hi, Christina,

    I wonder if you could upload again this capx. I've been searching for this kind of effect for a long time, and as you wrote, I've not found any way to reach this on a good construction.

    Thanks in advance,


    I wasn't sure where to put this post.

    I made a water effect with refraction, using only built-in effects.

    christina2013-09-07 17:11:16

  • Hi everybody!

    I'm new in this amazing world, but I have seen everyone on this community helps with heart.

    I'll try to do it too.

    And, excuse my english if there was any grammatical fault XD.

    Greetings from Spain!!

  • It works with "every 4 seconds" choice, but not with "trigger once" (in this case all got unamovible). Thanks LittleStain.

    Your opinion OddConfection was brilliant and simple too. But, is there a plus with the stopped flashing when the SpriteA is not moving anymore?

    Anyway, thanks for your assistant, dudes.

    EDIT: I can answer myself XD. Only decrease the interval of flashing at minimum value and it stops almost at same time that sprite stops its movement. Isn't it?

  • I have found so many problems about using simple commands like these, and I don't know if Construct 2 works sometimes in a diferent way I think.

    For example:

    SpriteA 8direction is moving ( or N key is down) - Action: SpriteB Flash for 3 seconds

    Doesn't work!!!!

    It starts when primary action has finished. Anybody knows?

  • FragFather,

    your answer, your capx's, and your help... amazing.

    Thank you, friend.

  • Thank you FragFather!! Your capx is smoother than mine (light years indeed XD).

    I have two more doubts about this.

    1) There is a little bug in the movement I cannot understand. If the player press the opposite direction to move the sprite from left to right quickly, the sprite holds its position freezed on the last angle. I dont know if I'am explaining well. Imagine you go left and have decided you are in a wrong way and press right inmediately. As you can see, the sprite hold the angle that it took fancing left.

    2) I have noticed you have a good comprenhension about degrees in Construct2. What I know is Construct2 start 0 degrees from right, but what afte that? How it figures a sphere? I have attached an image here, but I can't point to the negative values in a degrees sphere (I suppose its the counterclockwise). Can you redraw it please?

  • Excuse my english please. I'll try to explain best I can.

    I don't know if this is a bug or not. I need that the object gets inclined (or rotate its angle) a little in a smooth way. I am using three events separated by 0.05 secs each one, rotating -5 grades everytime to get a smooth movement. But it is impossible if you hold pressed a key or the analog stick in gamepad, both inputs fails.

    Could you take a look on the attached capx and help me, please?

    Thanks in advance.


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