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  • Good job Katala.

    Lunarovich, thanks for your example.

    Certainly, this forum is full of friendly people. From the creators of the TOOL (in capitals), the software itself, and all the community, have reached a level I haven't seen before on any site.

    I learn a lot every day with every topic.

  • Good explanation Lunarovich.

    I've read what you wrote about the "no uploading capx", and of course, everybody understand your work in a project. So, could you write on a capx only the part which make this achievement possible? It would be very helpful for many of us, and it should be the best explanation.

    Anyway, thank you for your topic.

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  • Thanks buddy.

    I was wrong not reading the whole post. It's only a sprite with various frames. I was searching for a way to create this effect starting from a 2d image. All methods I've tested are impossible to handle about position, size, and inclination.

    Anyway, as I said before, thank you.

  • Hi Stctr,

    could you re-up the capx please?

    It would be very helpful for me.

    Thank you.


    StrangeyD (24 MB)

    This should help.

    Btw you can resize all 99 Frames by clicking "Resize" button and choosing "Apply to whole animation". I think 400px x 400px is a little to much.

  • Thanks Lof, it's a good trick. Bad side is that you lose deceleration properties.

  • Ok, I see.

    I'll search for key latency in Construct. It sounds like the appropiate solution.

    Thanks again, Blackhornet

  • Thanks Blackhohrnet. As usually, a good fix from you.

    Meanwhile, in this capx there is an issue with the 8direction behaviour, which I posted in a different topic. Anyway, can you help with this too, please? I mean, the sprite always ends its movement being corrected by Construct automatically, facing a 90º direction, up, down, left or right, but it does not hold the position which it was taking during movement.

  • Maybe there are amount of ways to do a cosmic tail for a spaceship, but depending on its cost, It would be much more effective make it with particles, isn't it? The particles properties, as much I know, doesn't allow to create a continuous effect to avoid the blanks among the particles. So, which is the best way to achieve an effect like this?

  • I mean, when you have a sprite moving on any direction, if you take a diagonal movement and then stops, the 8 direction behavoir corrects automatically the position, setting it to one of the default facing left, right, up or down positions. Here is a capx for best explaining.

    How to avoid it? Any suggestion?

  • Hi Blackhornet,

    first: thank you! I would have done never that eventsheet. That amount of code is in a pro level I haven't reached yet

    Second: as you said that's a start. I'll study it for best understanding.

    Thanks again, you helped me a lot.

    And thanks to you too LittleStain and A0Nasser for your opinions.

  • In this time I tried copying the sprite, pasting on the canvas, and so on. But, in according to previous advices I have been looking for the Flipped Paster option. But it doesnt have this feature. So, may the sprite would be flipped after pasting on the paster? But it is so, the original sprite doesn't would be flipped too? This is a mess XD. I can't understand.

    I need help, please.

  • Every try leads me far from solution. I can't finish about understanding the way of using this plugin to achieve the effect. I have attached a capx with all elements needed (I think). Could you take a look inside? I know, LittleStain, you said it's very simple, but I can't see it.

    As usually, thanks in advance.

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