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  • Added a capx. I forget it

  • Hi.

    The scenary is a 2D platform game.

    I have learnt basics about Paster, but...

    Layer that contains the Paster is on the top of layers (it must be). So the darkness (a giant black sprite) is above the player and pasted into Paster, right. Now, all is dark, right again.

    There is a TV turned on behind player, which has its own light.

    A light behind player will never be able to shine because is under the darkness. If you paste the light object into Paster, it will shine but light will be above the player. When you walk over it, it will stay over you.

    Any ideas about fix this?

    Thanks in advance.

    Excuse me for my bad english.

  • Problem Description

    ____ C2 returns an error message when trying "debug Layout" on Preview Browser NW.js after update to C2 218 and NW alpha 6 0.13.0 ____

    Construct 2 218

    NW.js 0.13.0 alpha 6

  • In brief:

    I need to keep all state like pause action would do, without getting all inventory objects invisible on each layout in game. Go to inventory layout, come back and all actions goes on from the exact point it stopped.

    Anybody help, please?

  • Hi

    Question is next:

    You are in game, walking across the jungle (layout 3 of 100 total), and two crazy monkeys start to throw you nuclear bananas In that moment you remember to have in your inventory a flamethrower, suitable for this situation. Press the button to show the inventory, which is composed of 34 objects.

    Options are:

    a) inventory is in a global layer. Every level would need the same layers structure for having all the objects from that global layer, causing memory costs.

    b) inventory is in a different layout, showing its content when "system - go to layout inventory".

    My option is b). But question is:

    To achieve the level keeps its exact state when you come back to jungle (every banana in the air, player and monkeys in the same point, and so on...) best solution is "system savegame/loadgame", or persist behavior in every single object, or is there any other way?

    I mean, I have actually varios types of inventory, and think about have all inventories as global in every layout/level increasing the object count extremely. I think its suitable for a HUD, but not for all objects in player's bag. Problem with keeping state doesnt exist if I use option a) instead of b), but option b) is cleaner and efficient, isnt' it?

  • kingpirux

    I've seen that trick before. Problem is:

    1- (as you said) quality doesn't reach level I am looking for

    2- a planet that orbit at a realistic velocity needs so much more than 16 frames. If you set the animation speed to a low framerate, you'll only be able to see a lagged planet jumping from a frame to next one. With only 16 o even 50 frames, you should set the frame rate at high values for not to obtain a bad animation.

    If you think about any kind of good solution, please, let me know

  • kingpirux ahhhhmmm... I thought about that, but with hope in somebody's experience, who could tell me more about it.

    Anyway, thank you Kingpirux.

    Actually, only way to have a planet in orbit is using Rotate behavior, or have a multiple frame for an animated sprite, which consumes more memory with almost 100 frames per planet. I have no idea about other ways.

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  • kingpirux can you tell me how did you do to use this effect? Every time I try the planet shows cutted or bad positioned.

  • Thanks Scirra! My vouchers for my two games has just been arrived!

  • MarkusR

    I'm sorry Markus, I don't know why. In the process I sure not checked any restriction option (all markets where Amazon sells its apps -- available). I'll check it again.

  • A good "start" for learning C2. I have tried to make two simple but funny games for the contest.

    Thanks for the chance, Scirra.

    Here are my games. ... garbaspace ... =klintuwin

  • Hi. I'm still finishing my game. Need only one more day or two, but my question is could I be able to get rewarded if I sent the app before April 1st, but Amazon takes long to publish it after date?

    Thanks guys.

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