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  • Thank you.

    Setting scale inner, indeed cuts quite a few things away.

    Interestingly, I now noticed that with the default setting: letterbox integer scale, when i maximize the browser in an external (24'') monitor black areas are mostly gone, but when maximizing on my notebook monitor (12'') thick black borders exist.

    Not sure why this is happening.


    I see layout size parameter and viewpoint, which is also a 2D size.

    Why do these two exist in the first place. Why isn't one size enough.

    Perhaps because the layout is used for other stuff ...

    So the layout size is simply a work area size, whereas the viewpoint is what is displayed -- which, i guess, means the aspect ration must be aligned with the actual aspect ratio of the monitor in use.

    This may explain why borders appear on one monitor (with a different aspect ratio) than another.

    So, how can a viewpoint be defined that seamlessly works across two or more monitor.

  • Hello,

    For some reason I am not able to get the margins of the game to cover the fulls screen. I also have a black margin around the game and game elements smaller than they could be.

    I tried creating games at different resolutions, play with project settings, but can't get it to work.

    Any suggestion would be much appreciated.

    I am working on a typical notebook 12'' computer ...


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  • Thank you.

    I guess the repeat occurs until the condition list item loopindex text is item is true, then the condition succeeds and hence the item is included.

    Is this correct?

  • Thanks Jonathan,

    Yes, my feeling was that it should be easy to integrate, unless, C3 puts up some roadbocks in how it expects plugins (or javascript code) to work that make Blockly hard to integrate.

    Also, let me mention -- i am not interested at this stage to generate javascript code; but to have a custom generator included that works with custom blocks to generate configuration files.

    As far as i understood -- Blockly out of the box does not have a javascript generator -- and allows including any generator one wants -- and that's what i need for my game.

    I would want to start as soon as possible, but would need to know how affordable it is for me to do ...



  • Perfect!

    Thank you.


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  • A listbox has a clear method, however, due to a possible odd bug I am about to report, I want to clear the listbox manually -- by removing each item in a loop.

    However, creating such a loop fails to remove all -- one keep in there.

    I tried a zerobased loop going all the way to itemcount-1 and, to be on the safe side to itemcount as well, but the listbox, when repopulated with the values, keeps having three values - one left over -- not removed -- from before.

    I wonder what I am doing wrong ...

    In the attached linked C3 game (using current general available version), a listbox is pre-populated with three items.

    Upon pressing a button, a loop removes all items.

    However, one item keeps staying in the listbox -- the indexed remove doesn't seem to work


  • Hi Jonathan,

    Thank you.

    I myself don't exactly know what I need just yet, it will come to me when i start trying out a first rough integration.

    What I currently have in mind is to:

    1. have a layout that can be opened during the runtime

    2. have a blockly editor in that layout

    3. have the ability to load custom blocks, including a complete new set of blocks, specifically designed for a game -- those blocks can be created using an online editor -- its part of the blockly git package

    4. creation of a block structure via drag and drop

    5. generate some custom text -- this text could then be stored in a C3 runtime data structure. I would later send the contents back to the server for further processing.

    At this stage I am not interested in JavaScript generation -- but only a text file that serves as a configuration file for further processing.

    What do you think?


  • Hello,

    I want to avoid duplications in a listbox. Items are added automatically upon receiving of a message -- its possible that duplicates are received, but then, a duplicate is not added.

    how is this handled in C3.

    There is no containts method on the listbox to check in an event, so loops must be hacked somehow ... i guess.



  • Hello,

    I have this crazy idea to integrate Blocky into C3 so that one could create little scripts within a game, for example, using Blocky.

    So, within a game one opens a blocky editor, creates a scipt, which is then tied somehow into a game -- perhaps via parameterized function calls.

    Although other uses can be envisioned such as blocks used to configure game settings, in a configuration editor during the running of a game.

    I am looking for someone to help do this, and i wonder if this is in principle possible with C3 javascript support, and how much time / cost this would take?


  • Thanks.

    I was hoping that i can easily send a stream of text to the server, as if its an uploaded file; and on the server its stored as a file in a location -- for further processing later on.

    E.g. there is the editor plugin, so it would be nice if the contents written could be stored as a file on the server.

    I guess, it would require creating a server side program to receive and store as file the text - its not something standard a web server supports that can be used by an ajax call

  • Hello,

    I'd like to have a configuration set up in a text field (or otherwise) stored as a file on the server, where its then read (upon an event received from the game) by a server process.

    Can this be done?



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