What the different with X,XY,XYZ? and what the function each of them?
Keep Updating! this will be best games
of course i will join it
Is there anyone? i want to try it
until now,there's nothing about swf files??i think,this will be very" useless
absolutely you can submit to them all, but i not really sure if it can be submit to Apple App store.
Maybe you can use the timing system or invisible,then visible.
Caqtus Hey..!! i'm so Thankssfull
i want to ask something,i have tried to export my games with node webkit,but that make my game size very big for windows,what happen with it ya?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I want to upload my game,then at my game,they can share they highscore,and share my game link,how to do that?
Member since 30 Jan, 2014